Mouffak Benchohra, Ph. D.

Research director at Djillali Liabès university of Sidi-Bel-Abbès

Research Papers

  • Accepted Papers:  
  1. 1.  A. Bensalem, A. Salim, and M. Benchohra, S-Asymptotic $\omega$-periodic solution for a coupled integro-differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics. 
  2.  3.  N. Laledj, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Caputo-Hadamard fractional differentai lequations with random effects in Fréchet space, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics
  3. 4.  N. Lachachi-Merad, S. Baghli-Bendimerad, M. Benchohra, D. Aoued, Unique mild solution for fractional partial and neutral evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics.
  4. 6.  N. Ikhlef, A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, S. Litimein, On PC-asymptotically almost automorphic mild solutions for impulsive integro-differential equations with nonlocal  conditions, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica.
  5. 7. A. Bensalem, A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Existence and  Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability of mild solutions for impulsive integro-differential systems via resolvent operators,  Mathematical Foundations of Computing.
  6. 8.  M. Chorfi, S. Bouriah, M. Benchohra, S. Gulyaz, Existence of Periodic solutions for nonlinear implicit differential equations of fractional order in the sense of Caputo’s exponential fractional derivative, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis.
  7. 9.  A. Salim, S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, A Filippov's theorem, some existence results and topological structure of solution sets of Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential inclusions, Linear and Nonlinear Analysis.
  8. 11.    Z. Bouteffal, A. Salim, S. Litimein, M. Benchohra,  Abstract differential equations with state-dependent delay on the half line, Libertas Mathematica. 
  9. 12. A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, and S. Litimein, Existence and controllability results for a coupled delay integrodifferetial equations with non-instantaneous impulses, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application.
  10. 13.  M.Boumaaza, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, On implicit boundary value problems with Caputo type modification of the Erd\'elyi-Kober fractional differential equations, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. 
  11. 14.   N. Rezoug, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Piecewise  asymptotically almost automorphic results for semilinear  integro-differential evolution equations with impulsive effects, Ankara.
  12. 15.  K.E. Bensatal, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Measure of weak noncompactness and integro-differential equations with finite delay, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics.
  13.  A. Benaissa, F. Bouazzaoui, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, A random S-asymptotically rho1-periodic mild solutions for functional evolution equations with delay and random effect, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
  14. I. Hammoumi, A. Salim, H. Hammouche and M. Benchohra, Controllability of Hilfer fractional noninstantaneous impulsive differential inclusions in Banach Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry.
  15. W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On Riesz-Caputo fractional differential problems via fixed point theory and measure of noncompactness,  Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática,




Within these pages, you will find an exhaustive list of over 700 papers that I have either authored or co-authored.
  •  Papers in 2025 
    1.   A. Bensalem, A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Existence and  Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability of mild solutions for impulsive integro-differential systems via resolvent operators,  Mathematical Foundations of Computing. Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025), 209-231. 
    2.  M. Etefa, G. N’Guérékata, M. Benchohra, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to impulsive fractional differential equations via the deformable derivative, Applicable Analysis. Vol. 104 No. 1 (2025), 15-26. 
    3. D. Benzenati, S. Bouriah, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for some nonlinear $\psi$-fractional coupled systems, Vietnam J. Math. Vol. 53 (2025), 389-406. 
    4.  A. Bensalem, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Impulsive integro-differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions: Existence and Ulam's type stability. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. Vol. 48 No. 2 (2025), 1338-1361. 
    5.   I. Hammoumi, A. Salim, H. Hammouche and M. Benchohra, Hilfer fractional differential inclusions with noninstantaneous impulses in Banach spaces. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Vol. 32 No.1 (2025), 1-24. 

  • Papers in 2024:  
  1. S. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, B. Ahmad, M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto, A study on k-generalized \psi-Hilfer derivative operator, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 52 No. 1 (2024), 25-43.
  2. S. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On Tempered (k,\psi)-Hilfer fractional boundary value problems, Pan-American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024), 1-20.
  3. N. Lachachi-Merad, S. Baghli-Bendimerad, M. Benchohra, Unique mild solutions for Caputo's fractional perturbed evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Evolution Equations and Control Theory. Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024), 160-172.
  4. I. Hammoumi, A. Salim, H. Hammouche, M. Benchohra, Mild solutions for impulsive fractional differential inclusions with Hilfer derivative in Banach spaces, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2. Vol. 73 No. 2 (2024), 637-650.
  5. K.E. Bensatal, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Existence and successive approximation of mild solutions for integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 60. (2024), 44-55.
  6. S. Krim, A. Salim, and M. Benchohra, On deformable fractional impulsive implicit boundary value problems with delay, Arabian Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024), 199-226.
  7.    C. Derbazi, A. Salim, H. Hammouche, and M. Benchohra, Fractional hybrid differential equations with p-laplacien operaror, Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics.Vol. 6 No. 1-2 (2024), 21-36. 
  8.    A. Bensalem, A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, Approximate controllability and Ulam stability for second-order impulsive integro-differential evolution equations with state-dependent delay,  International Journal of Differential Equations Volume 2024, Article ID 8567425, 21 pages. 
  9.      A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Solution sets of second order integro-differential inclusions with infinite delay, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 23 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 144. 
  10.    S. Bouriah, A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for some nonlinear $\psi-$Hilfer fractional coupled systems,    Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity. Vol. 13 No. 3 (2024),  567-594. 
  11.     A. Salim, S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Implicit initial value problem for hybrid improved conformable fractional differential equations with retardation and anticipation, Creative Mathematics and Informatics. Vol. 33 No. 2 (2024), 269-279. 
  12.     A. Benchaib, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Qualitative Analysis of neutral implicit fractional q-difference equations with delay, Differential Equations and Applications. Vol. 16 No. 1 (2024), 19-38. 
  13.     S. Meslem, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Periodic mild solutions of infinite delay integro-differential inclusions with noninstantaneous impulses, Applied Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024), 1-14. 
  14.     S. Bouriah, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, On periodic solutions for implicit nonlinear Caputo temprered fractional problems, Demonstratio Mathematica, 2024: 57, pp 1-14. 
  15.       K.E. Bensatal, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Existence and successive approximation of mild solutions for integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Ser. Math. Appl.  Vol. 16 No. 1. (2024), 43-56. 
  16.  A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra and E. Karapinar, Existence and attractivity results on semi-Infinite intervals for integrodifferential equations with non-Instantaneous impulsions in Banach spaces, Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius din Constanta, Math. Series. Vol. 32 No 1 (2024), 65-84. 
  17.      A. Rezoug, A. Salim, and M. Benchohra, Nonlocal second order delay semilinear integro-differential time varying evolution equations with convex-power condensing operators, Filomat. Vol. 38 No. 11 (2024), 3861-3880. 
  18.    N. Rezoug, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Asymptotically almost automorphy for Impulsive Integrodifferential evolution equations with Infinite time delay via Mönch fixed point, Evolution Equations and Control Theory. Vol. 13 No. 4 (2024), 989-1014. 
  19.  S. Aibout, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Coupled systems of conformable fractional differential equations.  Annals of the University of Craiova - Mathematics and Computer Science Series. Vol. 51 No. 1 (2024), 118-132. 
  20.  N. Benkhettou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, A study on some new conformable fractional differential equations  with retardation and anticipation, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 92 (2024), 41-58. 
  21.    W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Implicit fractional differential equations with advanced arguments and the convex combined Caputo derivative, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics Vol. 54 No. 3 (2024), 869-883. 
  22.  A. Salim, M. Benchohra, J. E. Lazreg and G. N’Guérékata, Nonlinear implicit generalized Hilfer type fractional differential equations with non‑instantaneous impulses, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S. 17 (2024), 2234‑2250. 
  23.  A. Heris, Z. Bouteffal, A. Salim, M. Benchohra and Karapınar, Abstract random differential equations with state‑dependent delay using measures of noncompactness, Nonlinear Anal. Model. Control. 29 (03) (2024), 528‑542. 34969 
  24.  H. Litimein, Z. Huang, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Existence and controllability results for integrodifferential equations with state‑dependent nonlocal conditions via fractional power operators in Fréchet spaces, Differ. Equ. Dyn. Syst. (2024), 1‑22. s12591-024-00693-y 
  25.  D. Benzenati, S. Bouriah, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for some nonlinear $\psi$‑fractional coupled systems, Vietnam J. Math. (2024), 18 pages. 
  26.     F. Fredj, H. Hammouche, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, On random fractional differential coupled systems with Hilfer‑Katugampola frac‑ tional derivative in Banach spaces, J Math Sci. (2024), 1‑19. 
  27.    A. Bensalem, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Impulsive integro‑differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions: Existence and Ulam’s type stability. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. (2024), 1‑24. 
  28.  W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On implicit neutral Caputo tempered fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Applied Mathematics E-Notes. Vol. 24 (2024), 160-179. 
  29.  Z. Baitiche, C. Derbazi, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Monotone iterative technique for a sequential $\delta$-Caputo fractional differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica. Vol. 69 No. 3 (2024), 553-565. 
  30.  A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Existence and Ulam stability results of tempered $({\lambda},\psi)$-Hilfer fractional terminal differential problems, Europ. J. Math. Appl. Vol. 4 (2024) 19 
  31.  A. Salim, S.Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Ransome solutions for improved conformable fractional differential equations with retardation and anticipation, Europ. J. Math. Appl. Vol. 4 (2024) 8. 
  32.  A. Salim, S. Bouriah, M.  Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, E.  Karapinar, . A study on k-generalized $\psi $-Hilfer fractional differential equations with periodic integral conditions. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 47 (2024), no. 15, 12044--12061. 
  33.  S.Krim, A. Salim, M. Benchohra and E. Karapinar, Existence, uniqueness and successive approximations for $({\lambda},\psi)$-Hilfer fractional differential equations, Scientific Bulletin-University Politehnica of Bucharest. Vol. 83 No. 3 (2024), 15-28. 
  34.  N. Bettayed, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, and M. Benchohra, On implicit neutral Caputo tempred fractional differential equations with delay, Applied Mathematics E-Notes.Vol. 24 (2024), 424-442. 
  35.  H. Litimein,  Z.-Y. Huang, and M. Benchohra, Existence and uniqueness of $\varrho$-mild solutions for Integrodifferential equations with state-dependent nonlocal conditions, Filomat. Vol. 38 No. 18 (2024), 6525-6538. 
  36.  S. Bouriah, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, On Periodic Problems with Nonlinear Caputo Tempered Fractional Differential Equations. Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics.   Vol.93 No. 3  (2024), 39-54.

  • Papers in 2023:  
  1. M. Chohri, S. Bouriah, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, On nonlinear periodic problems with Caputo's exponential fractional derivative, Advances in The Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications Vol 7 No. 1 (2023), 103-120.
  2. A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, Initial value problem for hybrid generalized Hilfer fractional differential equations, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023), 287-298.
  3. S. Krim, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, On implicit Caputo tempered fractional boundary value problems with delay, Letters in Nonlinear Analysis and its ApplicationsVol. 1 No. 1 (2023), 12-29.
  4. S. Abbas, A. Arara, M. Benchohra, Existence and global stability results for Volerra type fractional Hadamard- Stieltjes partial integral equations, Filomat Vol. 37 No. 5 (2023), 1319-1329.
  5. A. Salim, S. Bouriah, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, E. Karapinar, On k-generalized  Ψ-Hilfer fractional differential equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Science. Vol. 46 (2023) .
  6. A. Salim, F. Mesri, M. Benchohra, C. Tunc, Controllability of second order semilinear random differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematicsl. Vol. 20 No. 2 (2023) , 84.
  7. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Graef and N. Laledj, Uniqueness and Ulam stability for implicit fractional q-difference equations via Picard operators theory, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023), 58-75.
  8. F. Chabane, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, M.Benchohra, G.N'Guérékata, Existence of concave positive solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equation with $p$-Laplacian operator. Vietnam J. Math. Vol. 51 No. 2 (2023), 505--543.
  9. W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Existence and stability results for impulsive implicit fractional differential equations with delay and Riesz-Caputo derivative, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 20 No. 3 (2023), 143.
  10. E. Karapinar, N. Benkhettou, J. E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Fractional differential equations with maxima on time scale via Picard operators, Filomat. Vol. 37 No. 2 (2023), 393--402.
  11. S. Krim, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Functional k-generalized psi-Hilfer fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Pan-American journal of Mathematics Vol. 2 (2023), 5.
  12. Z. Bouteffal, A. Salim, S. Litimein, M. Benchohra, Uniqueness results for fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent nonlocal conditions in Fréchet spaces, Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 59 (2023), 35-44
  13. N. Benkhettou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Lakshmikantham monotone iterative principle for hybrid Atangana-Baleanu-Caputo fractional differential equations, Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 59 (2023), 79-91.
  14. A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On Implicit $k$-generalized $\psi$-Hilfer fractional differential coupled systems with periodic conditions, Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems (2023) 22: 75.
  15. A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Global stability results for Volterra-Hadamard random partial fractional integral equations, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 Vol. 72 No. 3 (2023), 1783-1795.
  16. S. Krim, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Nonlinear contractions and Caputo tempered implicit fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces with infinite delay, Filomat Vol. 37 No. 22 (2023), 7491-7503.
  17. D. Foukrach, S. Bouriah, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Periodic solutions of nonlinear fractional pantograph integro-differential equations with Ψ−Caputo derivative, Annali Dell 'Universita' Di Ferrara. Sez. VII Sci. Mat. Vol. 69 (2023), No. 1 (2023), 1--22.
  18. A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Ulam–Hyers–Rassias Stability of Neutral Functional Integrodifferential Evolution Equations with Non-instantaneous Impulses on an Unbounded Interval. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems Vol. 22No. 3(2023), Paper No. 88.
  19. A. Salim, S. Krim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On Caputo tempered implicit fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, The Journal of Analysis. Vol. 43 No. 2 (2023), 129-139
  20. W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, On fractional differential equations with Riesz-Caputo derivative and non-instantaneous impulses, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 20 No. 3 (2023), 109-132.
  21. A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, Caputo fractional q-difference equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023), 1-14.
  22. S. Krim, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, On implicit impulsive conformable fractional differential equations with infinite delay in $b$-Metric spaces, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2. 72 (2023), no. 4, 2579—2592.
  23. C. Derbazi, H. Hammouche, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Weak solutions for fractional Langevin equations involving two fractional orders in Banach Spaces, Afrika MatematikaVol. 34 No. 1 (2023).
  24. A. Salim, S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, On deformable implicit fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Journal of Mathematical Extension Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023), 1-17.
  25. B. Ahmad, M. Boumaaza, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Random solutions for generalized Caputo periodic and non-local boundary value problems, Foundations, 2023, 3, 275–28.
  26. D. Benzenati, S. Bouriah, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, On periodic solutions for some nonlinear fractional Pantograph problems with Ψ-Hilfer derivative, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 44 No. 4 (2023),1264-1279.
  27. A. Bensalem, A. Salim, B. Ahmad, M. Benchohra, Existence and controllability of integrodifferential equations with non-instantaneous impulses in Fréchet spaces, Cubo Vol. 25 no. 2 (2023), 231-250.
  28. A. Salim, S. Krim, M. Benchohra, On Implicit boundary value problems with deformable fractional derivative and delay in b-metric space, Applied Analysis and Optimization. Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023), 1-16.
  29. W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Implicit Caputo tempered fractional differential boundary value problems with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Extension. Vol. 17 No. 6 (2023), 1-28.
  30. S. Bouriah, D. Foukrach, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, Fractional Pantograph differential equations with periodic conditions via Ψ−Caputo derivative, Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications. Vol. 2023 No. 1, pp 1-18.
  31. A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Controllability results for second order integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Evolution Equations and Control Theory Vol. 12 No. 6 (2023), 1559-1576.
  32. A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Existence, uniqueness and Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability of differential coupled system of Riesz-Caputo fractional derivative, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications Vol. 84 (2023), 111-138
  33. A. Benchaib, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, New stabilité results for abstract fractional differential equations with delay and non instantaneous impulses, Mathematics, 2023 11 (16), 3490.
  34. A. Salim, K. Salim, M. Benchohra, On three-point boundary value problems for implicit Caputo tempered fractional differential equations in $b$-metric spaces, European Journal of Mathematicas and Applications  (2023) 3: 16.
  35. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Oscillation and non oscillation for conformable fractional differential equations and inclusions, Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies Vol. 16 No. 3 (2023), 253-264.
  36. A. Heris, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Some new existence results for fractional partial random nonlocal differential equations with delay, Annales Universitaties Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Mathematica Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023), 135-148.
  37. A.I. N. Malti, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, Existence and stability for nonlinear implicit Caputo-exponential type fractional differential equations with non-Instantaneous impulses in Banach spaces, Nonlinear StudiesVol. 30 No. 3 (2023),665-679.
  38. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, A. Cabada, Implicit Caputo fractional q-difference equations with non instantaneous impulses, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 15 No. 3 (2023), 215-234.
  39. N. Lachachi-Merad, S. Baghli-Bendimerad, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Nonlocal partial fractional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 42 No. 5 (2023), 1191-1210.
  40. A. Salim, M. Benchohra, A study of tempred (k,psi) Hilfer fractional operator, Letters in Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023), 101-121.
  41. K. Salim, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Nonlinear contractions and Caputo tempered impulsive imlpicit fractional differential equations in $b$-metric spaces, Mathematica Moravica Vol. 27 No. 2 (2023), 1-24.
  42. A. Benaissa, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Functional delay random Semilinear differential equations, The Journal ofAnalysis. Vol. 31 No. 4 (2023), 2675-2686.
  43. W. Rahou, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, On impulsive implicit Ries-Caputo fractional differential equations with retardation and anticipation in Banach spaces, Facta Universitatis Vol 38 No. 3 (2023), 535-558.
  44. S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Implicit Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations with delay, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica. Vol. 68 No. 4 (2023), 727-742.
  45. S. Krim, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, A study on some comformable fractional problems with delay in b-metrci spaces, Letters in Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application. Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023), 139-149.
  46. S. Krim, A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Implicit Caputo-Katugampola fractional problems with infinite delay and impulses, Letters in Nonlinear Analysis and Its Application. Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023), 164-175.
  47. F. Mesri, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Fractional non autonomous evolution equations with integral impulse condition in Fréchet spaces, Fractional Differential Calculus Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023),185-198.
  48.  W. Rahou, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, Existence and stability results for implicit impulsive convex combined Caputo fractional differential equations, Annals of the University of Craiova; Mathematics and Computer Science Series. Vol. 50 no. 2 (2023), 404-426. 
  49.  N. Bettayed, A. Salim, J.E. Lazreg, and M. Benchohra, On implicit neutral tempered $\psi$-Caputo fractional differential equations with delay via densifiability techniques, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications Vol. 7 No. 5 (2023), 44-65. 
  50.  N. Ikhlef, N. Rezoug, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, S. Litimein, On asymptotically almost automorphic mild solutions  for semilinear  integro-differential  evolution equations, Journal of Mathematical Extension. Vol. 17 No. 10 (2023), 1-30.
  51.     A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, E. Karapinar, On k-generalized ψ-Hilfer impulsive boundary value problem with retarded and advanced arguments,  Journal of Mathematical Extension  Vol. 17 No. 6 (2023), 1-28. 

  • Papers in 2022:  
  1. M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, B. Samet and Y. Zhou, Existence and stability of nonlinear implicit Caputo-exponential fractional differential equations, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications. Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022), 91-105. 
  2. S. Meslem, S. Abbas, A. Arara, and M. Benchohra, Diagonalization method and semilinear differential equations on the half line, Palestine Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022), 560-571. 
  3. A. Salim, J. E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, J. Graef, Initial value problem for hybrid $\psi$-Hilfer fractional implicit differential equations, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. 24 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 7. 
  4. A. Salim,  M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, J.E. Lazreg, On $k$-generalized $\psi$-Hilfer boundary value problems with retardation and anticipation,  Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analyse and Its Applications. 
  5. A. Salim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, A Filippov's theorem and topological structure of solution sets for fractional q-difference inclusions, Dynamic Systems and Applications. Vol. 31 No. 1 (2022), 17-34. 
  6. M. Boumaaaza, M. Benchohra and J. Trujillo, Weak solutions of coupled Caputo type modification of the Erdélyi-Kober implicit fractional differential systems with retarded and advanced arguments, Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 15 No. 1 (2022), 15-31. 
  7. J.E. Lazreg, N. Benkhettou, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Neutral functional sequential differential equations with Caputo fractional derivative on time scales, Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering. 2022, 6. 
  8. S. Bouriah, D. Foukrach, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Some new results for psi-Hilfer fractional Pantograph-type differential equation depending on psi-Riemann-Liouville integral, Journal of Analysis. 30 (2022), no. 1, 195—219. 
  9. C. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou,  Boundary value problem for psi-Caputo fractional differential equations in Banach spaces via densifiability techniques, Mathematics 2022, 10, 153. 
  10. Z. Baitiche , C. Derbazi, M. Benchohra and J. J. Nieto,  Monotone iterative technique for a new class of nonlinear sequential fractional differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions under the ψ-Caputo operator, Mathematics 2022, 10, 1173. 
  11.  M. Benchohra, F. Bouazzaoui, E. Karapinar and A. Salim,  Controllability of second order functional random differential equations with delay Mathematics 2022, 10, 1120. 
  12. N. Rezoug, M. Benchohra and K. Ezzinbi, Asymptotically automorphic solutions of abstract fractional evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 17 (2022), 113-138. 
  13. S. Abbas, and  M. Benchohra, Conformable fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Academy of Romanian Scientists. Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 14 No. 1-2 (2022), 58-76. 
  14. F. Si Bachir, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, M. Benchohra, and C. Tunc, Uniform convergence of successive approximations for hybrid Caputo fractional differential equations, Palestine Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 11 No. 3 (2022), 650-658. 
  15. J.E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, A. Salim, Existence and Ulam stability for k-generalized psi-Hilfer fractional problem  Journal of Innovative Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022), 1-13. 
  16. A. Salim, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, G. N’Guérékata, Existence and k-Mittag-Leffler-Ulam-Hyers stability results of k-generalized ψ-Hilfer boundary value problem, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022), 359-379. 
  17. C. Derbazi, H. Hammouche, A. Salim and M. Benchohra, Measure of noncompactness and fractional hybrid differential equations with hybrid conditions, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022), 145-161. 
  18. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah, J.J. Nieto and Y. Zhou, Ulam stability for nonlinear implicit differential equations with Hilfer-Katugampola fractional derivative and impulsive, Aims Mathematics Vol. 7 no. 7 (2022), 12859-12884. 
  19. A. Salim, M. Benchohra and J.E. Lazreg, Nonlocal $k$-generalized $\psi$-Hilfer impulsive initial value problem with retarded and advanced argument, Applied Analysis and Optimization Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022), 21-47. 
  20. N. Benkhettou, K. Aissani, A. Salim, M. Benchohra and C. Tunc, Controllability of fractional integro-differential equations with infinite delay and non-Instantaneous impulses, Applied Analysis and Optimization. Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022), 79-94. 
  21. S. Aibout, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. Bohner, A coupled Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential system with multipoint boundary conditions, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol. 29 No. 6 (2022), 191-209. 
  22. C. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra, Coupled systems of  psi-Caputo  fractional differential equations without and with delay in  generalized Banach spaces, Results in Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022), 42-61. 
  23. S. Bouriah, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, On nonlinear implicit neutral generalized Hilfer fractional differential equations with terminal condition and delay, Topological Algebra and Its Applications. Vol. 10 (2022), 77-93. 
  24. S. Bouriah, D. Foukrach, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, On the periodic solutions for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations with $\psi$-Hilfer  fractional derivative, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 14 No. 3 (2022), 447-467. 
  25. A. Salim, B. Ahmad, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg, Boundary value problem for hybrid generalized Hilfer fractional differential equations, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 14 No. 3 (2022), 379-391. 
  26. N. Benkhettou, A. Salim, K. Aissaani, M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar, Global stability results for Volterra-Hadamard random partial  fractional  integral equations,  Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 19 No. 3 (2022), 93-109. 
  27. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations with non instantaneous impulses, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2. Vol. 71 No. 1 (2022), 131-144. 
  28. A. Salim, M. Boumaaza, and M. Benchohra, Random solutions for mixed fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis. Vol. 23 No. 7 (2022), 1361-1375. 
  29. D. Foukrach, S. Bouriah, M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, Periodic solutions for nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations with $\psi$-Caputo fractional derivative, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 86 No. 3 (2022), 51-68. 
  30. A. Bensalem, A. Salim, M. Benchohra and G. N’Guérékata, Functional integro-differential equations with state dependent delay  and non-instantaneous impulses; existence and qualitative results, Fractal and Fractional Vol 2022, 6, 615, pp 1-27. 
  31. F. Si Bachir, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, M. Benchohra, and C. Tunc, Successive approximations for Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications. Vol. 81 (2022),  117-128. 
  32. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and G. N’Guérékata, Periodic mild solutions of infinite delay not instantaneous impulsive evolution inclusions, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 50 No. 1 (2022), 287-299. 
  33. N. Laledj, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Existence theory for implicit fractional $q$-difference equations in Banach spaces, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica Vol. 67 No. 4 (2022), 693-701
  34. N. Laledj, A. Salim, M. Benchohra, S. Abbas, B. Ahmad, On implicit fractional q-differential equations; Analysis and stability, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Vol. 45 No. 17 (2022), 10775-10797
  35. A. Salim, M. Benchohra, Existence and uniqueness results for generalized Caputo iterative fractional boundary value problems, Fractional Differential Calculus Vol. 12 No. 2 (2022), 197-208. 
  36. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, A. Petrusel, Coupled Hilfer and Hadamard fractional differential systems in generalized Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory. Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022), 21-34.
  • Papers in 2021:  
  1. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, and Y. Zhou, Periodic mild solutions of infinite delay second order evolution equations with impulses, Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021), 179-190. 
  2. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Existence and oscillation for coupled fractional $q$-difference systems, Journal of Fractionnal Calculus and Applications Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021), 143-155. 
  3. Z. Baitiche, C. Derbazi, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Boundary value problems for hybrid Caputo sequential fractional differential equations, Canadian Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021), 98-115. 
  4. M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata and N. Rezzoug, Asymptotic almost automorphic mild solutions of second order nonautonomous semilinear evolution equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications. Vol. 29 No. 3 (2021), 468-493. 
  5. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Coupled Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential systems in generalized Banach spaces, Malaya Journal of Matematik Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021), 20-25. 
  6. F. Si Bachir, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, and M. Benchohra, Hilfer-Hadamard fractional differential equations; existence and attractivity, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021), 49-57. 
  7. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Nieto, Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations with instantaneous impulses, AIMS  Mathematics Vol. 6 No. 3 (2021), 2932-2946. 
  8. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, and Y. Zhou, Coupled Pettis Hadamard fractional differential systems with retardation and anticipation, Surveys in Mathematics and Its Applications Vol. 16 No. 5 (2021), 95-109. 
  9. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson,  Caputo fractional q-difference equations in b-metric spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis. Vol. 28 No. 2 (2021), 1-12. 
  10. M. Boumaaaza, M. Benchohra and J Henderson, Random coupled Caputo-Type modification of Erd\'elyi-Kober fractional differential systems  in generalized Banach spaces with retarded and advanced arguments, Communications in Optimization Theory 2021 (2021), Article ID 3. 
  11. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Sivasundaram, and C. Tunc,  Existence and oscillatory results for Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations and inclusions, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 28 No. 1 (2021), 283-298. 
  12. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, Caputo fractional q-difference equations in b-metric spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol.  28 No. 2 (2021), 1-12. 
  13. F. Mesri, J. E. Lazreg, M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, Fractional non autonomous evolution equations in Fréchet spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol.  28 No. 2 (2021), 35-45. 
  14. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Upper and lower solutions for fractional q-Difference inclusions, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory. Vol. 21 No. 1 (2021), 1-12. 
  15. Salim, M. Benchohra, J. E. Lazreg, J. J. Nieto and Y. Zhou, Nonlocal initial value problem for hybrid generalized Hilfer-type fractional implicit differential equations, Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems. 2021; 8: 87-100. 
  16. S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and E. Karapinar, Terminal value problem for implicit Katugampola fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Journal of Functions Spaces. Volume 2021, Article ID 5535178, 7 pages. 
  17. Salim, M. Benchohra, J. E. Lazreg, and G. N’Guérékata, Boundary value problem for nonlinear implicit generalized Hilfer type fractional differential equations with impulses, Abstract and Applied Analysis. 2021, Art. ID 5592010, 17 pp. 
  18. F. Si Bachir, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, M. Benchohra, and G. N’Guérékata Existence and attractivity results for $\psi$-Hilfer hybrid fractional differential equations, Cubo, A MathematicalJournal Vol. 23 No. 1 (2021), 145-159. 
  19. M. Benchohra, J. R. Graef, N. Guerraiche, and S. Hamani, Nonlinear boundary value problems for fractional differential inclusions with Caputo-Hadamard derivatives on the half line, Aims Mathematics. Vol. 6 No. 6 (2021), 6278-6292. 
  20. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata,  Existence, uniqueness, approximation of solutions and Eα–Ulam stability results for a class of nonlinear fractional differential equations involving ψ–Caputo derivative with initial conditions, Mathematica Moravica.Vol. 25 No. 1 (2021), 1-30. 
  21. S. Meslem, S. Abbas, A. Arara and M. Benchohra, Periodic mild solutions of infinite delay integro-differential equations with non instantaneous impulses, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 31 No. 1 (2021), 21-38. 
  22. M. Boumaaaza, M. Benchohra and J. J. Nieto, Caputo type modification of the Erdélyi-Kober coupled implicit fractional differential systems with retardation and anticipation, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021), 101-114. 
  23. J.E. Lazreg, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and E. Karapinar, Impulsive Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Open Mathematics Vol. 19 No. 1 (2021), 363-372. 
  24. S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Caputo-Hadamard fractional implicit differential equations with delay, Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Science Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021), 463-484. 
  25. F. Bekada, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and J. J. Nieto, Dynamics and stability for Katugampola random fractional differential equations, AIMS Mathematics. Vol. 6 no. 8 (2021), 8654-8666. 
  26. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Krim, Initial value problems for Caputo-Fabrizio implicit fractional differential equations in b-metric spaces, Bull. Univ. Transilvania Brasov. Vol. 1 (63) No. 1 (2021), 1-12. 
  27. F. Si Bachir, S. Abbas, M. Benbachir, and M. Benchohra, Successive approximations for random coupled Hilfer fractional differential systems, Arabian Journal of Mathematics Vol. 20 no. 2 (2021), 301-310. 
  28. Z. Baitiche, C. Derbazi, M. Benchohra and J. Henderson, Monotone iterative technique for a hyperbolic fractional partial differential equations involving the $\psi$--Caputo derivative with initial conditions, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 28 No. 3 (2021), 11-26. 
  29. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Nieto, Boundary value problem for differential equations with generalized Hilfer-type fractional derivative, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 22 No. 2 (2021), 527-542. 
  30. Z. Baitiche,  C. Derbazi,  M. Benchohra and A. Cabada, Boundary value problem for $\psi$--Caputo derivative in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021), 561-572. 
  31. Foukrach, S. Bouriah, M. Benchohra, J. J. Nieto, Periodic solutions for nonlinear $\Psi$-Caputo fractional integro-differential equations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear  Analysis Vol. 28 No. 4 (2021), 45-62. 
  32. M. Boumaaaza, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Weak solutions of coupled systems of Caputo type modification of the Erdélyi-Kober fractional differential inclusions with retarded and advanced arguments, Applied Analysis and Optimization. Vol.  5 No. 2 (2021), 169-183. 
  33. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and E. Karapinar, Dynamics and Ulam stability for fractional q-difference inclusions via Picard operators theory, An. S ̧t. Univ. Ovidius Constanta. Vol. 29 No. 3 (2021), 5-21. 
  34. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Henderson, Ulam stability for nonlocal differential equations involving the  Hilfer--Katugampola  fractional derivative, Afrika Matematika. Vol. 32 No. 5-6 (2021), 829-851. 
  35. Z. Baitiche, C. Derbazi, , M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, A new class of coupled systems of nonlinear hyperbolic partial fractional differential equations in generalized Banach spaces involving the ψ–Caputo fractional derivative, Symmetry,  2021, 13, 2412. 
  36. S. Bouriah, D. Foukrach, M. Benchohra, J. Graef, Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for some nonlinear fractional pantograph differential equations with $\psi$-Caputo derivative, Arabian Journal of Mathematics. (Springer) 10 (2021), no. 3, 575--587. 
  37. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra and J. Graef, Extremal solutions to a coupled system of nonlinear fractional differential equations with Caputo fractional derivatives, Journal of Mathematics and Applications Vol. 44 (2021), 19-34. 
  38. M. Benchohra, and M. Slimane, Fractional differential inclusions with non instantaneous impulses and multivalued jump, Libertas Mathematica. Vol. 41 No. 1 (2021), 53-69. 
  39. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. E. Lazreg and Y. Zhou, Bounded weak solutions  for implicit Hadamard fractional differential equations on reflexive  Banach spaces,Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences, Issue Mathematics.Vol.  41 No. 1 (2021), 3-15. 

  • Papers in 2020:  
  1.  M. Benchohra Z. Bouteffal, J. Henderson and S. Litimein, Measure of noncompactness and fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent nonlocal conditions in Fr\'echet spaces, AIMS Mathematics 2020, 5(1): 15-25. 
  2. B. Alqahtani, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and S. S. Alzaid, Fractional q-difference inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematics. 
  3. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, M.A.Darwish,Fractional differential inclusions of Hilfer type under weak topologies in Banach spaces. Asian-Eur. J. Math. Vol. 13(2020), no. 1, 2050015, 16 pp. 
  4. S. Abbas, N. Al Arifi, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Periodic mild solutions of infinite delay evolution equations with non-instantaneous impulses, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis. Vol. 2020 (2020), Art. 7, 11 pp. 
  5. M. Benchohra,  F. Berhoun,   M. Boumaaza, S. Sivasundaram,  Caputo type modification of the Edrély- Kober fractional implicit differential equations with advances and retarded arguments in Banach spaces,  Nonlinear Studies Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020), 285-296. 
  6. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Solvability of fractional multi-point boundary value problems with nonlinear growth at resonance, Journal of Contemporary Mathematicla Analysis, Vol. 55 no. 2 (2020), 46-64. 
  7. M. Boumaaza, M. Benchohra, and F. Berhoun, Nonlinear implicit Caputo type modification of the Erdélyi-Kober fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal. Vol. 30 No. 2 (2020), 21-36. 
  8. Z. Bouteffal, M. Benchohra, S. Litimein, and Y. Zhou, On fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay and nonlocal conditions via measure of noncompactness, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal. Vol. 30 No. 2 (2020), 95-104. 
  9. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and G. N’Guérékata, Instantaneous and Noninstantaneous Impulsive Integro-differential Equations in Banach, Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2020, Article ID 2690125, 8 pages. 
  10. C. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra, A. Cabada, Initial value problem for nonlinear fractional differential equations with $\psi$--Caputo derivative via monotone iterative technique, Axioms.2020, 9 (2), 57. 
  11. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Oscillation and nonoscillation results for Caputo fractional q-difference equations and inclusions, Nonlinear Oscillations Vol. 23 No. 2 (2020), 147-161. 
  12. M. Benchohra, A. Matallah, S. Litimein, and Y. Zhou, Global existence and controllability for semilinear  fractional differential equations with state-dependent delay in Fréchet spaces, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 79 No. 1 (2020), 1-14. 
  13. S. Abbas, B. Ahmad, M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Weak solutions for Caputo-Pettis fractional q-difference inclusions, Fractional Differential Calculus Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020), 141-152. 
  14. M. Boumaaza and M. Benchohra, and C. Tunc, Erdélyi-Kober Fractional Differential Inclusions in Banach Space   with Retarded and Advanced Arguments, Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization. Vol. 40 No. 1 (2020), 75-94. 
  15. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, and M. Benchohra, Hybrid fractional differential equations with fractional separated integral boundary conditions, Nonlinear Studies. Vol. 27 No. 3 (2020), 831-844. 
  16. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and S. Sivasundaram, Weak solutions for implicit fractional differential equations with multipoint boundary conditions, Nonlinear Studies. Vol. 27 No. 3 (2020), 855-864. 
  17. M. Boumaaza and M. Benchohra, Caputo type modification of the Erdélyi-Kober fractional differential inclusions with retarded and advanced arguments, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications. Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020), 63-78. 
  18. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Laledj, and Y. Zhou, Fractional q-Difference Equations on the Half Line, Archivum Mathematicum Vol. 56 No. 4 (2020), 207-223. 
  19. Z. Baitiche, C. Derbazi, M. Benchohra, $\psi$--Caputo fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions by topological degree theory, Results in Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 3 No.  4 (2020), 166-178. 
  20. J. Vanterler da C. Sousa, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, Attractivity for differential equations of fractional order, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2020), 1188-1207. 
  21. F. Bekada, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Boundary value problem for Caputo-Fabrizio random fractional differential equations, Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020), 218-230. 
  22. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, B. Ahmad,  M. Benchohra, and J.E. Lazreg,   Bounded weak solutions for Hilfer fractional differential equations on the half line, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020), 35-49. 
  23. C. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata, Existence, uniqueness, and Mittag-Leffler--Ulam stability results for Cauchy Problem involving $\psi$--Caputo derivative in Banach and Fréchet spaces, Inernational Journal of Differential Equations. Volume 2020, Article ID 6383916, 16 pages. 
  24. A. Salim, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and J. Henderson, Nonlinear implicit generalized Hilfer-type fractional differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses in Banach spaces, Advances in The Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications. Vol. 4 No. 4 (2020), 332-348
  25. C. Derbazi, Z. Baitiche, and M. Benchohra, Cauchy problem with   $\psi $--Caputo fractional derivative in Banach spaces, Advances in The Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications. Vol. 4 No. 4 (2020), 349-361. 
  26. S. Krim, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish,  Boundary Value Problem for Implicit Caputo--Fabrizio Fractional Differential Equations, International Journal of Difference Equations. Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020), 493-510. 
  27. S. Abbas, N. Al Arifi, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Coupled Hilfer and Hadamard random fractional differential systems with finite delay in generalized Banach spaces, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 12 No. 4 (2020), 337-353. 
  28. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Boundary value problems for hybrid Caputo sequential fractional differential equations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 27 No. 4 (2020), 1-16. 
  29. A. Salim, M. Benchohra, J. E. Lazreg and J. Graef, Boundary value problem for fractional order generalized Hilfer-type fractional derivative with non-instantaneous impulses, Fractal and Fractional2020, 5, 1. 
  30. Ahmed Ilyes N. Malti. M. Benchohra, J. Graef, and J.E. Lazreg, Impulsive boundary value problems for nonlinear implicit Caputo--exponential type fractional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. (2020) No. 78, pp 1-17. 
  31. F. Mesri, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Measure of noncompactness and fractional differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 29 No. 12 (2020), 3333-3346. 
  32. A. Salim. M. Benchohra, E. Karapinar and J.E. Lazreg, Existence and Ulam stability for impulsive generalized Hilfer type fractional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations. 2020, Paper No. 601, 21. 
  33. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and H. Gorine, Caputo-Fabrizio fractional differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Bull. Univ. Transilvania Brasov Vol. 13 (62) No. 2 (2020), 373-386. 

  • Papers in 2019:  
  1. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, and M. Benchohra, Weak solutions for nonlinear  fractional differential equations with integral and multi-point boundary conditions, Panamerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 29 No. 1 (2019), 86-100. 
  2. S. Abbas, A. Arara and M. Benchohra, Successive approximations for abstract semilinear differential equations, Panamerican Mathematical Journal.Vol. 29 No. 1 (2019), 17-31. 
  3. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Graef, J.E. Lazreg, Implicit Hadamard fractional differential equations with impulses under weak topologies, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Vol. 26 No. 1 (2019), 89-112. 
  4. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Controllability for impulsive fractional evolution inclusions with state-dependent delay, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its Applications. Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019), 18-34. 
  5. S. Baghad and M. Benchohra, Global existence and stability results for Hadamard-Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. Vol. 68 No. 2 (2019), 1-14.  
  6. C. Derbazi, H. Hammouche, and M. Benchohra, Weak solutions for some nonlinear fractional differential equations with fractional integral boundary conditions in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis. Vol. 2019 (2019), Article ID 7, pp. 1-11. 
  7. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou Boundary value problems for hybrid Caputo fractional differential equations, Mathematics.2019, 7, 282. 
  8. S. Abbas, N. Al Arifi, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, Random coupled Hilfer and Hadamard fractional differential systems in generalized Banach spaces, Mathematics. 2019, 7, 285. 
  9. M. Benchohra and M. Slimane, Fractional differential inclusions with non instantaneous impulses in Banach spaces, Results in Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019), 36-47. 
  10. M. Benchohra, N. Rezzoug and Y. Zhou, Semilinear mixed type integro-differential evolution equations via Kuratowski measure of noncompactness, Journal of Analysis and Applications.Vol. 38, No. 2 (2019), 143-156. 
  11. C. Derbazi, H. Hammouche, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou , Fractional hybrid differential equations  with three-point boundary hybrid conditions, Advances in Difference Equations. 2019, 2019:125. 
  12. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, Y. Zhou, Oscillation and nonoscillation for Caputo--Hadamard impulsive fractional differential inclusions, Advances in Difference Equations. Paper No. 74, 15 pp. 
  13. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and J. J. Nieto, Hilfer and Hadamard fractional differential equations in Fréchet spaces, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019), 102-116. 
  14. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun  and J. Henderson, Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential Cauchy problem in Fréchet spaces,  Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas Vol. 13 No. 3 (2019), 2335-2344. 
  15. Arara, M. Benchohra, and F. Mesri, Measure of noncompactness and semilinear differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019), 69-81. 
  16. M. Benchohra,  S. Bouriah, J. J. Nieto, Terminal value problem for differential equations with Hilfer-Katugampola fractional derivative, Symmetry 2019, 11(5), 672. 
  17. M. Lemkeddem, H. Hammouche, K. Guerbati, M. Benchohra, Impulsive partial functional fractional differential equations with non-local conditions, Mathematics in Engeneering, Science and Aerospace. Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019), 303-321. 
  18. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, H. Gourine, Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equations with four-point boundary conditions, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 26 No. 3 (2019), 68-79. 
  19. S. Abbas, N. Al Arifi, M. Benchohra, J. Graef, Random coupled systems of implicit Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions  in generalized Banach spaces, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 28 No. 2 (2019), 329-350. 
  20. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, A. Alsaedi, Hilfer and Hadamard random fractional differential equations in Frechet spaces, Fixed Point Theory. Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019), 391-406. 
  21. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, J. Henderson, Upper and lower solutions method for Caputo–Hadamard fractional differential inclusions, Mathematica Moravica. Vol. 23 No.1 (2019), 107-118. 
  22. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, and B.A. Slimani, Hilfer and Hadamard coupled Volterra fractional integro-differential systems with random effects, Fractional Diffferential Calculus Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019), 1-17. 
  23. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra, and N. Benkhettou, On fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay and non-instantaneous impulse, Cubo, A mathematical journal. Vol 21 No. 1 (2019), 61-75. 
  24. E. Alaidarous, M. Benchohra, I. Medjadj, Global existence results for second order functional differential equations with delay, Filomat. Vol. 33 No. 3 (2019). 
  25. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Laledj and Y. Zhou, Existence and Ulam Stability for Implicit Fractional q-Difference Equations, Advances in Difference Equations. (2019) 2019: 480. 
  26. M. Benchohra, N. Rezoug, B. Samet and Y. Zhou, Second order semilinear Volterra-type Integro-differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses, Mathematics. 2019, 7(12), 1134. 
  27. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and Juan J. Nieto,  Existence and Ulam stability for nonlinear implicit differential equations with Riemann--Liouville fractional derivative, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol. 52 No. 1 (2019), 437-450. 
  28. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and Juan J. Nieto,  Oscillation and nonoscillation for Caputo--Hadamard impulsive fractional differential equations, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory Vol. 19 No. 4 (2019), 474-485. 
  29. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra,     Fractional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay, Mathematica Moravica Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019), 97-113. 
  30. M. Benchohra, S. Litimein and J. J. Nieto, Semilinear fractional differential equations with infinite delay and non instantaneous impulses, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 21 No. 1 (2019), 16 pp.  
  31. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, B. Samet and Y. Zhou, Coupled implicit Caputo fractional q-difference systems, Advances in Difference Equations. 2019, Paper No. 527, 19 pp. 
  32. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Henderson, Existence and uniqueness results for nonlinear implicit fractional systems, Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications Vol. 2019, No. 5 (2019), 81-94. 
  33. S. Baghad and M. Benchohra, On existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions of Hadamard-Volterra integral equations, Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes. Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019), 39-46. 
  34. N. Z. Baitiche, K. Guerbati, H. Hammouche, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Sequential fractional differential equations at resonance, Functional Differential Equations Vol. 26 No. 3&4 (2019), 167-184. 
  35. S. Abbas, N. Al Arifi, M. Benchohra and G. M. N'Guerekata, Random coupled Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential systems with four-point boundary conditions in generalized Banach spaces, Annals of Communication in Mathematics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019), 32-47. 

  • Papers in 2018:  
  1. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J.J. Nieto, Existence of periodic solutions for nonlinear implicit Hadamard's fractional differential equations,  Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas Vol. 12, No. 1 (2018), 25-35. 
  2. M. Benchohra and F. Bouazzaoui, Controllability of functional differential equations with delay and random effect, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 25 No. 1 (2018), 52-65. 
  3. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and J. Graef, Weak solutions to implicit differential equations involving the Hilfer fractional derivative, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory Vol. 18 No. 1 (2018), 1-11.  
  4. M. Benchohra, I. Medjadj, Measure of noncompactness and partial functional differential equations with state-dependent delay. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems26 (2018), no. 1-3, 139--155. 
  5. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Henderson, Nonlinear implicit Hadamard's fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 8 No. 2 (2018), 72-85. 
  6. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra, N. Benkhettou and J. Henderson,  Impulsive stochastic fractional integro-differential inclusions with state-dependent delay, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Application. Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018), 202-216. 
  7. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, Some existence results and stability concepts for partial fractional random integral equations with multiple delay, Random Operators and Stochastic Equations. Vol. 26 No. 1 (2018), 53-63.  
  8. M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and J. J. Nieto, Anti- periodic boundary value problem for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with impulses,   Analele Universitatii din Oradea. Fascicola Matematica. Vol. XXV No. 1 (2018), 13-24. 
  9. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J.e. Lazreg and J.J. Nieto, On a coupled system of Hilfer and Hilfer-Hadamard fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis. 2018 (2018), Article ID 12, 12 pp. 
  10. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra and M. Meghnafi, Controllability for impulsive fractional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 73 No. 1 (2018), 1-20. 
  11. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and S. Sivasundaram, Coupled systems of Pettis-Hadamard fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Vol. 14 No. 1 (2018), 56-63. 
  12. S. Abbas, A. Arara, M. Benchohra, and F. Mesri, Evolution equations in Fréchet spaces, Journal of Mathematical Sciences and ModellingVol. 1 No. 1 (2018), 33-38. 
  13. M. Benchohra and F. Bouazzaoui, Controllability of functional differential equations with state-dependent delay and random effects, Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018), 38-51. 
  14. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, and F. Berhoun, Global attractivity for Volterra type Hadamard fractional integral equations in Frechet spaces, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol. 51 No. 1 (2018), 131-140.  
  15. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Coupled systems of Hilfer fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Communications on Pure and Applied AnalysisVol. 17 No. 6 (2018),  2479-2493. 
  16. M. Benchohra and S. Litimein, Existence results for a new class of fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 74 (2018), 27-38. 
  17. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and F. Mesri, Second order functional evolution equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis  Vol. 25 No. 3 (2018), 1-12. 
  18. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and N. Hamidi,  Successive approximations for the Darboux problem for implicit partial differential equations, Panamerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 28 No. 3 (2018), 1-10. 
  19. S. Abbas, A. Arara, M. Benchohra, and F. Mesri, Random evolution equations in Fréchet spaces, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and Its ApplicationsVol. 2 No. 3 (2018), 128-137. 
  20. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Existence and global stability results for Volterra Hadamard partial integral equations, Communications In Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 21 No. 1 (2018), 42-53. 
  21. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra, and M. Darwish, Semilinear fractional order integro-differential inclusions with infinite delay, Georgian Mathematical Journal Vol. 25 No. 3 (2018), 317-328.  
  22. S. Abbas, A. Arara and M. Benchohra, Partial Fractional Differential Equations with not Instantaneous Impulses and Random Effects, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 25 No. 4 (2018), 13-26. 
  23. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Existence and attractivity results for Hilfer fractional differential equations, Nonlinear OscillationsVol. 21 No. 3  (2018), 295-304. 
  24. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J.J. Nieto, Periodic solutions for nonlinear fractional differential systems, Diffferential Equations and Applications Vol. 10 No. 3 (2018), 299-316. 
  25. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and Y. Zhou, Implicit coupled Hilfer–Hadamard fractional differential systems under weak topologies, Advances in Difference Equations. 2018, 2018:328. 
  26. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, and N. Benkhettou, Hilfer-Hadamard fractional differential equations and inclusions under weak topologies, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications Vol. 4 No. 4 (2018), 247-261. 
  27. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and G. N’Guérékata, Existence and attractivity results for coupled systems of nonlinear Volterra-Stieljes multi-delay fractional integral equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis. Volume 2018, Article ID 8735614, 10 pages. 
  28. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou, Coupled Hilfer fractional differential systems with random effects, Advances in Difference Equations. (2018) 2018:369. 
  29. M. Benchohra, and N. Rezzoug, S Existence and attractivity of solutions of  semilinear  Volterra type integro-differential  evolution equations, Surveys in Mathematics and Its Applications. Vol. 13 (2018), 215-235. 
  30. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and J.J. Nieto, Weak solutions for implicit Hadamard fractional differential equations, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018), 1-18. 
  31. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and J. Henderson,  Caputo-Hadamard fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis. Vol. 21 no. 4 (2018), 1027-1045. 
  32. E. Alaidarous, M. Benchohra and I. Medjadj, Global existence results for neutral functional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal Vol. 70 No. 11 (2018), 1443-1456. 
  33. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. J. Nieto, Existence and stability results for nonlocal initial value problems for differential equations with Hilfer fractional derivative, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica Vol. 63 No. 4 (2018), 447-464. 
  34. M. Benchohra and M. Slimane, Nonlinear fractional differential equations with non instantaneous impulses in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematics and Applications Vol. 41 (2018), 1-13. 
  35. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and N. Hamidi, Stability concepts for impulsive fractional differential inclusions via Picard operators in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis. 2018 (2018), Article ID 44. 
  36. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and G. N’Guérékata, Coupled systems of Hilfer fractional differential equations with maxima, Journal of Nonlinear Evolutions Equations and Applications.Vol. 2018, no. 2, 11-24. 
  37. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and Y. Zhou, On a system of Volterra type Hadamard fractional integral equations in Frechet spaces, Disrecte Dynamics in Nature and Society. Volume 2018, Article ID 1246475, 7 pages. 

  • Papers in 2017:  
  1. E. Alaidarous, W. Albarakati, A. Baliki, and M. Benchohra, Global existence and stability for functional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas (RACSAM). Vol. 111 No. 1 (2017), 15-24. 
  2. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Global convergence of successive approximations for partial fractional differential equations and inclusions, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017), 1-12. 
  3. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and A. Heris, Fractional partial random differential equations with delay, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 27 No. 1 (2017), 29-40. 
  4. M. Benchohra, and  J. Lazreg, Existence and Ulam stability for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with Hadamard derivative, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series  Mathematica Vol. 62 No. 1 (2017), 27-38. 
  5. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, A. Alsaedi and Y. Zhou, Some stability concepts for abstract fractional differential equations with not instantaneous impulses, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 18 No. 1 (2017), 3-16. 
  6. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Lazreg and G. N’Guérékata, Weak solutions for implicit Pettis Hadamard fractional differential equations with retarded and advanced arguments, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 24 No. 2 (2017), 355-365. 
  7. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, Some existence stability results for abstract fractional differential inclusions with not instantaneous impulses, Mathematical Report Vol. 19  (62) No. 2 (2017), 245-262.  
  8. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and A. Petrusel, Ulam stability for Hilfer type fractional differential inclusions via the Picard operators theory, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol. 20 No. 2 (2017), 384-398. 
  9. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and M. Darwish, Nonlinear boundary value problem for implicit differential equations of fractional order in Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 18, No. 2 (2017), 457-470. 
  10. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Lazreg, A. Alsaedi, Y. Zhou, H Existence and Ulam stability for fractional differential equations of Hilfer-Hadamard type, Advances in Difference Equations.  (2017) 2017:180. 
  11. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra J. Lazreg and Y. Zhou, A survey on Hadamard and Hilfer fractional differential equations: Analysis and stability, Chaos Fractals and Solitons Vol. 102 (2017), 47-71. 
  12. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Stability results for fractional differential equations with state-dependent delay and not instantaneous impulses, Mathematica Slovaca.Vol. 67 No. 4 (2017), 875-894. 
  13. M. Benchohra, and A. Heris, Fractional partial random differential equations with state-dependent delay, Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics. Vol. LV No 1 (2017), 21-35. 
  14. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and J.E. Lazreg, Measure of noncompactness and impulsive Hadamard fractional implicit differential equations in Banach spaces, Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017), 1-19. 
  15. M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Impulsive differential inclusions via variationa method, Georgian Mathematical Journal Vol. 24 No. 3 (2017), 313-324. 
  16. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. Bohner, Weak solutions for implicit differential equations of Hilfer--Hadamard fractional derivative, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 12 No. 1 (2017), 1-16. 
  17. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, and M. Benchohra, Successive approximations for functional evolution equations and inclusions, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 39, pp. 1-13. 
  18. M. Benchohra, and F.Z. Mostefai, Fractional order Pettis integral equations with multiple time delay in Banach spaces, Scientific Annals of Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi.Vol. LXIII Fas. 1 (2017), 29-36. 
  19. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra A. Alsaedi and Y. Zhou, Stability results for partial fractional differential equations with noninstantaneous impulses, Advances in Difference Equations Volume 2017, Issue 1, 1 December 2017, Article number 75. 
  20. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Graef, Boundary value problem for nonlinear implicit Caputo-Hadamard type fractional differential equations with impulses, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Vol. 14 No. 5  (2017). 
  21. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Y. Zhou and A. Alsaedi, Weak solutions for partial random Hadamard fractional integral equations with multiple delay, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. vol. 2017, Article ID 8607946, 7 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/8607946. 
  22. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, Asymptotic stability for implicit differential equations involving Hilfer fractional derivative, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal. Vol. 27 no. 3 (2017), 40-52. 
  23. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra A. Alsaedi and Y. Zhou, Weak solution for a coupled system of Pettis-Hadamard fractional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations Volume 2017, Issue 1, 1 December 2017, Article number 332. 
  24. Benaissa, M. Benchohra and J.J. Nieto, Random functional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Annals of Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9 no. 2 (2017), 171-185. 
  25. M. Benchohra and A. Heris, Random impulsive partial hyperbolic fractional differential equations, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory. Vol. 17 No. 4 (2017), 1-13. 
  26. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Weak solutions for partial Pettis Hadamard fractional integral equations with random effects, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications. Vol. 29 No. 4  (2017), 473-491. 
  27. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Nieto, Existence and stability results for partial implicit fractional differential equations with not instantaneous impulses, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics Vol. 47 No. 2 (2017), 157-171. 
  28. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and G. N’Guérékata, Hilfer and Hadamard functional random fractional differential inclusions, Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Vol. 19 No. 1 (2017), 17-38. 
  29. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and J.E. Lazreg, Weak solutions for a coupled system of partial Pettis Hadamard fractional integral equations, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017), 136-146. 
  30. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, Fractional differential inclusions of Hilfer and Hadamard types in Banach spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization.Vol. 37 No. 2 (2017), 185-204. 
  31. M. Benchohra, J. J. Nieto and N. Rezoug, Second order evolution equations with nonlocal conditions, Demonstratio Mathematica.Vol.50 No.1 (2017), 30-319. 
  32. M. Benchohra, J.E. Lazreg and G. N’Guérékata, Nonlinear implicit Hadamard's fractional differential equations on Banach space with retarded and advanced arguments,   International Journal of Evolution Equations Vol. 10 No. 3&4(2017),  283-295. 
  33. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Weak solutions for implicit Hilfer fractional differential equations with not instantaneous impulses, Communications in Mathematical Analysis Vol. 20 No. 2 (2017), 48-61. 
  34. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and N. Hamidi, Hilfer and Hilfer-Hadamard fractional differential equations with random effects, Libertas Mathematica Vol. 37 No. 1 (2017), 45-64. 
  35. M. Benchohra, and N. Rezoug, Second order semilinear evolution equations with infinite delay via measure of noncompactness, Acta Universitatis Apulensis Vol. 51 No. 1 (2017), 1-15. 

  • Papers in 2016:  
  1. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Existence and Ulam stabilities for Hadamard fractional integral equations with random effects, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 25 pp. 1-12. 
  2. W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra and S. Bouriah, Existence and stability results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with delay and impulses, Differential Equations and Applications Vol. 8 No. 2 (2016), 273-293. 
  3. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and G. M. N’Guérékata, Existence and Ulam stabilities for Hadamard fractional integral equations in Fréchet spaces, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications Vol 7 No. 2 (2016), 1-12. 
  4. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Trujillo, Ulam Stabilities for Partial Hadamard Fractional Integral Equations, Arabian Journal of Mathematics Vol 5. No. 1 (2016), 1-7. 
  5. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, and M. Benchohra, Existence and attractivity results for Volterra type nonlinear multi-delay Hadamard-Stieltjes fractional integral equations, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 26 No. 1 (2016), 1-17. 
  6. M. Benchohra and I. Medjedj, Global existence results for neutral functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Vol. 24 No. 2 (2016), 189-200. 
  7. A. Baliki, M. Benchohra and J. Graef, Global existence and stability for second order functional evolution equations with infinite delay, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2016, No. 23, 1-10. 
  8. M. Benchohra, and N. Rezoug, Measure of noncompactness and second order evolution equations, Gulf Journal of Mathematics Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016), 71-79. 
  9. M. Benchohra and A. Boukenkoul, On fuzzy fractional order derivatives and Darboux problem for implicit differential equations, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016),  77-90. 
  10. E. Alaidarous, A. Benaissa, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Global existence results for functional evolution equations with delay and random effects, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 25 (2016), 89-100. 
  11. K. Aissani, and M. Benchohra, Controllability of fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications Vol. 28 No. 2 (2016), 149-167. 
  12. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra and S. Sivasundaram, On the solution of Pettis partial Hadamard-Stieltjes fractional integral equations, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 23 No. 2 (2016), 333-344. 
  13. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and N. Rezoug, Global existence results for second order evolution equations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 23 No. 3 (2016), 57-67. 
  14. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah, Nonlinear implicit Hadamard’s fractional differential equations with delay in Banach spaces, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol. 23 No. 4  (2016), 295-307. 
  15. M. Benchohra and M.S. Souid, L^1-solutions for implicit fractional order differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Filomat Vol. 30 No. 6 (2016), 1485-1492. 
  16. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Weak solutions for implicit fractional differential equations of Hadamard type, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 11 No. 1 (2016), 1-13. 
  17. M. Benchohra and I. Medjedj, Global existence results for second order neutral functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae Vol. 57 No. 2 (2016), 169-183. 
  18. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah, J. Lazreg and J.J. Nieto, Nonlinear implicit Hadamard’s fractional differential equations with delay in Banach spaces, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Vol 55 No. 1 (2016), 15-26. 
  19. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Existence and attractivity for the Darboux problem of fractional order neutral differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing Vol. 52 No. 1&2 (2016), 73-85. 
  20. M. Benchohra and K. Mazouz, Existence and uniqueness results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2016), 48-59. 
  21. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and S. Sivasundaram, Dynamics and Ulam stability for Hilfer type fractional differential equations, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 23 No. 4 (2016), 1-11. 
  22. M. Benchohra, and S. Bouriah, Existence and stability results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with impulses, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 69 (2016), 15-31. 
  23. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra and A. Petrusel, Existence and Ulam stability results for Hadamard partial fractional integral inclusions via Picard operators, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series  Mathematica. Vol. 61 No. 4 (2016), 409-420. 
  24. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Graef, Nonlinear implicit differential equations of fractional order at resonance, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2016 (2016), No. 324, pp. 1-10. 
  25. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and I. Medjedj, Measure of noncompactness and  neutral functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Journal of Mathematics and Applications. Vol. 39 (2016), 1-18. 
  26. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. Darwish, Some new existence results and stability concepts for fractional partial random differential equations, Journal of Mathematics and Applications. Vol. 39 (2016), 19-41. 
  27. E. Alaidarous, A. Benaissa, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Second order functional differential equations with delay and random effects, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 25 No. 2 (2016), 125-143. 
  28. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Global existence results for fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Scientific Annals of Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi Vol. LXII No. 2 (2016), 411-422. 
  29. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, M.A. Darwish, Upper and lower solutions method for partial discontinuous fractional differential inclusions with not instantaneous impulses, Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2016), 155-179. 
  30. M. Benchohra and K. Mazouz, Existence and uniqueness results for implicit fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions, Communications in Applied Analysis. Vol. 20 No. 3 (2016), 355-366. 

  • Papers in 2015:  
  1. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and J. J. Trujillo, Upper and lower solutions method for partial fractional differential inclusions with not instantaneous impulses, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications. Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015), 11-22. 
  2. A. Baliki and M. Benchohra, Global existence and stability for neutral functional evolution equations, Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. LX No. 1 (2015), 71-82. 
  3. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, New stability results for partial fractional differential inclusions with not instantaneous impulses, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol 18 No. 1 (2015), 172-191. 
  4. M. Benchohra, S. Bouriah and J. Henderson, Existence and stability results for nonlinear implicit neutral fractional differential equations with finite delay and impulses, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 22 No. 1 (2015), 46-67. 
  5. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and B.A. Slimani, Existence and Ulam stabilities for partial fractional random differential inclusions with nonconvex right hand side, Panamerican Mathematical Journal. Vol. 25 No. 1 (2015), 95-110. 
  6. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and B.A. Slimani, Partial hyperbolic implicit differential equations with variable times impulses, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica Vol. 60 No. 1 (2015), 61-73.  
  7. M. Benchohra and M.S. Souid, Integrable solutions for implicit fractional order functional differential equations with infinite delay, Archivum Mathematicum Vol. 51No. 2 (2015), 67-76
  8. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Some stability concepts for Darboux problem for partial fractional differential equations on unbounded domain, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 16 No. 1 (2015), 3-14. 
  9. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Uniqueness and Ulam stabilities results for partial fractional differential equations with not instantaneous impulses, Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 257 (2015), 190-198. 
  10. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, M. A. Darwish and E. Hilal, New existence and stability results for partial fractional differential inclusions with multiple delay, Annales Polonici Mathematici. Vol. 114 No. 1 (2015), 81-100. 
  11. M. Benchohra and A. Boukenkoul, Fuzzy partial fractional order hyperbolic differential equations, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015), 459-470. 
  12. M. Benchohra, and S. Bouriah, Existence and stability results for nonlinear boundary value problem for implicit differential equations of fractional order, Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015), 22-36. 
  13. M. Benchohra and J. Lazreg, Existence results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with impulses, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 19 (2015), 413-426.  
  14. A. Benaissa and M. Benchohra, Functional differential equations with state-dependent delay and random effects, Romanian Journal of          Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 5 No. 1 (2015), 84-94. 
  15. S. Abbas, E. Alaidarous, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto  Existence and Ulam Stabilities for Hadamard-Stieltjes Fractional Integral Equations, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2015, Article ID 317094, 6 pages. 
  16. A. Benaissa, M. Benchohra and J. Graef, Functional differential equations with delay and random effects, Stochastic Analysis and Applications Vol. 33 No. 6 (2015), 1083-1091. 
  17. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and Ulam stability for partial impulsive discontinuous fractional differential inclusions in Banach algebras, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Vol. 12 No. 4 (2015), 1245-1264. 
  18. M. Meghnafi, K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Impulsive fractional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 22 No. 4 (2015), 659-671
  19. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra and S. Sivasundaram, Dynamics and stability of Fredholm type fractional order Hadamard integral equations, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 22 No.4 (2015), 673-686. 
  20. A. Baliki, M. Benchohra, and J. J. Nieto, Qualitative analysis of second order functional evolution inclusions, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 24 (2015), 559-572. 
  21. S. Abbas, W. Albarakati, M. Benchohra, and E. Hilal, Global existence and stability results for partial fractional random differential equations, Journal of Applied Analysis Vol. 21 No. 2 (2015), 79-87. 
  22. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, B.A. Slimani and J.J. Trujillo, Asymptotic behavior of fractional order Riemann—Liouville Volterra--Stieltjes integral equations, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications Vol. 27 No. 3 (2015), 311-323.  
  23. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Partial Hadamard Fractional Integral Equations, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 10 No. 2 (2015), 97-107. 
  24. M. Benchohra and J. Lazreg, On stability for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations, Le Matematiche Vol. LXX No. 2 (2015), 49-61. 
  25. M. Benchohra and M.S. Souid, L^1-solutions of boundary value problems for implicit fractional order differential equations, Survey in Mathematics with its Applications Vol 10 (2015), 49-59. 
  26. S. Abbas, E. Alaidarous, W. Albarakati, and M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for partial hadamard fractional integral equations and inclusions, Discussioness Mathematica Differential Inclusions Control and Optimization Vol. 35 No. 2 (2015), 105-122. 
  27. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and stability results for neutral functional differential equations of fractional order with delay, Libertas Mathematica Vol. 35 No. 2 (215), 83-93.

  • Papers in 2014:  
  1. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Fractional order integral equations of two independent variables, Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 227 (2014), 755-761. 
  2. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and A. Hammoudi, Upper, lower solutions method and extremal solutions for impulsive discontinuous partial fractional differential inclusions, Panamerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 24 No. 1 (2014), 31-52. 
  3. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Existence results for fractional functional Integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 9 No. 1 (2014), 17-30. 
  4. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Controllability of impulsive fractional differential equations with infinite delay, Libertas Mathematica Vol. 34 No. 1 (2014), 31-48. 
  5. M. Benchohraand M. Hellal, Global uniqueness results for fractional partial hyperbolic differential equations with state-dependent delay, Annales Polonici Mathematici Vol. 110 No. 3 (2014), 259-281. 
  6. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Ulam stabilities for the Darboux problem for partial fractional differential and integro-differential equations, Results in Mathematics Vol. 65 No. 1&2 (2014), 67-79. 
  7. M. Benchohra and J. Lazreg, Existence and uniqueness results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations with boundary conditions, Romanian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014), 44-56
  8. A. Baliki and M. Benchohra, Global existence and asymptotic behaviour for functional evolution equations, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation Vol. 4 No. 2 (2014), 129-138. 
  9. M. Benchohra, and S. Litimein, Functional Integro-differential  equations with state-dependent delay in Fréchet spaces, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 61 (2014), 21-36. 
  10. M. Benchohra and F. Ouaar, On controllability for fractional differential equations on unbounded intervals, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 19 (2014), 15-25. 
  11. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun, N. Hamidi and J.J. Nieto,   Fractional differential inclusions with anti-periodic boundary conditions, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 19 (2014), 27-35. 
  12. M. Benchohra and A. Boukenkoul, An existence and uniqueness theorem for fuzzy H integral equations of fractional order Malaya Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014), 151-159. 
  13. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, On the generalized Ulam-Hyers-Rassias stability for Darboux problem for partial fractional implicit differential equations, Applied Mathematics-E-Notes Vol. 14 (2014), 20-28. 
  14. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Nieto, Ulam stability for impulsive partial fractional differential equations, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Vol. 53 No. 1 (2014), 5-17. 
  15. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Ulam stability for partial fractional integral inclusions via Picard operators, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications Vol 5 No. 2 (2014), 133-144
  16. M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Topological structure of the solutions set of impulsive semilinear differential inclusions with nonconvex right-hand side, African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Vol 16 No. 2 (2014), 72-91. 
  17. A. Baliki and M. Benchohra, Global existence and stability for neutral functional evolution equations with state-dependent delay, Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014), 112-122. 
  18. M. Benchohra and I. Medjedj, Global existence results for functional differential inclusions with delay, Nonlinear Oscillations Vol. 17 No. 2 (2014), 161-169. 
  19. M. Benchohraand M. Hellal, Perturbed partial fractional order functional differential equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory Vol. 14 No. 3 (2014), 243-256. 
  20. M. Benchohra, F.Z. Mostefai, and J. J. Nieto, Weak solutions for hyperbolic partial fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, Afrika Matematica Vol. 25 (2014), 605-615. 
  21. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Ulam stability for impulsive discontinuous partial fractional differential equations in Banach algebras, Journal of Nonlinear Evolutions Equations and Applications Vol. 2014 No. 1 (2014), 1-12. 
  22. M. Benchohra and J. Lazreg, Existence results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 9 (2014), 79-92. 
  23. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, M. Rivero, and J. Trujillo, Existence and stability results for nonlinear fractional order Riemann-Liouville Volterra-Stieltjes quadratic integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation Vol. 247 (2014),  319-328. 
  24. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and I. Medjedj, Global existence results for functional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis Vol. 19 No. 4 (2014), 524-536. 
  25. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence of solutions to fractional-order impulsive hyperbolic partial differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2014 (2014) No. 196, 1-13. 
  26. M. Benchohra, O. Bennihi and K. Ezzinbi, Existence results for some neutral functional differential equations of fractional order with state-dependent delay. Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Vol. 16 No. 3 (2014), 37-53. 
  27. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Ulam stabilities for the Darboux problem for partial fractional differential inclusions, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol. 47 No. 4 (2014), 826-838. 
  28. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and A. Petrusel, Ulam stability for partial fractional differential inclusions via Picard operators, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2014, No. 51, 1-13. 
  29. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra, and M.A. Darwish, Controllability of fractional order integro-differential inclusions with infinite delay, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2014 No. 52, 1-18. 
  30. K. Aissani, M. Benchohra and K. Ezzinbi, Fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, Discussioness Mathematicae Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization, Vol. 34 No. 2 (2014), 153-167. 
  31. M. Benchohra and Z. Boutefal, Impulsive hyperbolic system of partial differential equations of fractional order with delay, Commentationes Mathematica Vol. 54 No. 2 (2014), 179-189. 
  32. M. Benchohra and M.S. Souid, Integrable solutions for implicit fractional order differential equations, Transylvanian Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014), 101-107. 

  • Papers in 2013:  
  1. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Asymptotic attractive nonlinear fractional order Riemann-Liouville Integral Equations in Banach algebras, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 20 No. 1 (2013), 1-10. 
  2. M. Benchohra, F.Z. Mostefai, J. J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Weak solutions of boundary value problem of fractional order on unbounded domains in Banach spaces, Panamerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 23 No. 1 (2013), 75-94. 
  3. M. Benchohra and M. Hellal, Perturbed partial functional fractional order differential equations with infinite delay, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Vol.5 No. 2 (2013), 1-15. 
  4. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Fractional order Riemann-Liouville integral inclusions with two independent variables and multiple delay,Opuscula Mathematica Vol. 33 (2) (2013), 209-222. 
  5. M. Benchohra, S. Litimein and G. N’Guérékata, On fractional integro-differential inclusions with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces, Applicable Analysis. Vol. 92, No. 2 (2013), 335-350. 
  6. M. Benchohra and B. Hedia, Multiple positive solutions for boundary value problems with fractional order, Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 2 No. 2 (2013), 1-10. 
  7. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Nonlinear fractional order Riemann-Liouville Volterra-Stieltjes partial integral equations on unbounded intervals, Communications in Mathematical Analysis Vol. 14 No. 1 (2013), 104-117
  8. M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi, and J. Henderson, Fractional differential equations with anti-periodic boundary conditions, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization  Vol. 34 (2013), 1-11. 
  9. M. Benchohra and Z. Boutefal, Impulsive differential equations of fractional order with infinite delay, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, Vol. 5 No. 5  (2013), 1-15. 
  10. M. Benchohra and B. Hedia, Positive solutions for boundary value problems with fractional order, International Journal of Advanced Mathematical Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013), 12-22. 
  11. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and stability for partial functional integro-differential equations of fractional order with multiple time delay, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 20 No. 2  (2013), 147-160
  12. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, On the set of solutions of fractional order Riemann-Liouville integral inclusions, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol. XLVI No. 2 (2013), 271-281. 
  13. M. Benchohra, and F.Z. Mostefai, Weak solutions of fractional order Pettis integral inclusions with multiple time delay in Banach spaces, Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Vol. 15 No. 1 (2013), 1-12. 
  14. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, A global asymptotic stability for nonlinear multi-delay differential equations of fractional order, Proceedings of the A. Ramadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 161 No. 1 (2013), 1-13. 
  15. M. Benchohra, O. Bennihi and K. Ezzinbi,  Semilinear Functional differential equations of fractional order with state-dependent delay, Commentationes Mathematica Vol. 53 No. 1  (2013), 47-59. 
  16. M. Benchohra and M. Ziane, Impulsive evolution inclusions with state-dependent delay and multivalued jumps, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2013, No. 42, 1-21. 
  17. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Nieto, Functional implicit hyperbolic fractional order differential equations with delay, African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Vol. 15 No. 1 (2013), 74-96. 
  18. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and attractivity for fractional order integral equations in Fréchet spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential inclusions, Control and Optimization. Vol. 33 (2013), 47-63. 
  19. M. Benchohra, K. Ezzinbi, S. Litimein, Existence and  Controllability Results for Fractional Order Integro-differential  Inclusions in Fréchet Spaces, Proceedings of the A. Ramadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 162 (2013), 1-23. 
  20. M. Benchohra and J. Lazreg, New results for nonlinear implicit fractional differential equations, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 17 No. 3&4 (2013), 471-482. 
  21. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, S. Sivasundaram, Ulam stability for partial fractional differential inclusions with multiple delay and impulses via Picard operators, J. Nonlinear Stud. Vol. 20 No. 4 (2013), 623-641. 
  22. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Semilinear fractional order Integro-differential equations with infinite delay in Banach spaces, Archivum Mathematicum Vol. 49 No. 2 (2013), 105-117. 
  23. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Qualitative theory for fractional order Riemann-Liouville integral equations in two independent variables, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences Vol. 29 No. 2 (2013),  239-255. 
  24. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and stability of nonlinear fractional order Riemann-Liouville-Volterra-Stieltjes multi-delay integral equations, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications Vol. 25 No. 2 (2013), 143-158. 
  25. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, On the set of solutions for the Darboux problem for fractional order partial hyperbolic functional differential inclusions, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 14 No. 2 (2013), 253-262. 
  26. M. Benchohra I. Medjedj, J.J. Nieto, and P. Prakash, Global existence for functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Journal of Function Spaces and Applications Volume 2013, Article ID 863561, 7 pages. 
  27. K. Aissani and M. Benchohra, Impulsive fractional evolution inclusions with infinite delay, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2013 (2013), No. 265, 1-13. 
  28. H. Hammouche, K. Guerbati, M. Benchohra, and N. Abada, Existence results for impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions with delay in Banach spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential inclusions, Control and Optimization. Vol. 33 No. 2 (2013), 149-170. 
  29. M. Benchohra and I. Medjedj, Global Existence and stability results for functional differential equations with delay, Communications in Applied Analysis  Vol. 17 No. 2 (2013), 213-220. 
  30. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and T. Diagana, Existence and attractivity results for some fractional order partial integro-differential equations with delay, African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Vol. 15 No. 2 (2013), 87-100
  31. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Uniqueness results for Fredholm type fractional order Riemann-Liouville integral equations, Fasciculi Mathematici Vol. 51 (2013), 5-19.

  • Papers in 2012:  
  1. M. Benchohra and F. Mostefai, Weak solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions in Banach spaces, Opuscula Mathematica Vol.32 No.1 (2012), 31-40. 
  2. M. Benchohra and B. Hedia, Impulsive functional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay and variable times, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 16 No.1 (2012), 47-62. 
  3. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and G. N’Guérékata, Bounded solutions for fractional order differential equations on the half-line, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012), 62-71. 
  4. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, On global asymptotic stability of solutions of nonlinear quadratic Volterra integral equations of fractional order, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 19 No.1 (2012), 79-89. 
  5. M. Benchohra, and B. Hedia Functional differential equations with state-dependent delay on unbounded domains in a Banach space, Communications in Mathematical Analysis Vol. 12 No. 2 (2012), 85-101. 
  6. M. Benchohra, S. Litimein, J. J. Trujillo and M.P. Velasco, Abstract  fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay, International Journal of Evolution Equations Vol. 6 No. 2 (2012), 25-38. 
  7. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and J.J. Nieto, Fractional differential inclusions with impulses at variable times, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Vol. 7 N° 1 (2012), 1-15.  
  8. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and A.N. Vityuk, On Fractional Order Derivatives and Darboux Problem for Implicit Differential Equations, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol. 15 N° 2  (2012), 168-182. 
  9. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata and B.A. Slimani, Darboux problem for fractional order discontinuous hyperbolic partial differential equations in Banach algebras, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations Vol.  57 N° (2-4) (2012), 337-350. 
  10. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Henderson, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of Nonlinear Fractional Order Riemann-Liouville Volterra-Stieltjes Quadratic Integral Equations  International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 4 No. 3 (2012), 195-209. 
  11. M. Benchohra and D. Seba, Integral equations of fractional order with multiple time delay in Banach spaces Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2012 (2012), No. 65, 1-8. 
  12. M. Benchohra and S. Litimein, A global existence and uniqueness result for functional integro-differential equations in Banach spaces, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii « Al. Cuza » Iasi Vol. LVIII (2012), 55-66. 
  13. S. Abbas, D. Baleanu, and M. Benchohra, Global attractivity for fractional order delay partial integrodifferential equations, Advances in Difference Equations Vol. (2012) 19 pages doi: 10.1186/1687-1847-2012-62. 
  14. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and J. Graef, Integrodifferential equations of fractional order, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Vol. 20 No. 2 (2012), 139-148. 
  15. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Nonlinear quadratic Volterra Riemann-Liouville integral equations of fractional order,Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol. 17 (2012), 107-115. 
  16. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, On the existence and local asymptotic stability of solutions of fractional order integral equations, Commentationes Mathematicae Vol. 52 No 1 (2012), 91-100. 
  17. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Impulsive partial integrodifferential equations of fractional order,   Communications in Applied Analysis. Vol. 16 No. 2 (2012), 249-260. 
  18. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and D. Seba, Boundary value problems for fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Fractional Differential Calculus Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012), 99-108. 
  19. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence and stability for fractional order integral equations multiple time delay in Fréchet spaces, Malaya Journal of Matematic  Vol 1, No. 1 (2012), 42-49. 
  20. M. Benchohra, and M. Ziane, Impulsive evolution inclusions with infinite delay and multivalued jumps, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications  Vol. 7 (2012), 1-14. 
  21. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Fractional order Riemann-Liouville integral equations with multiple time delay, Applied Mathematics E-Notes. Vol. 12 (2012), 79-87. 
  22. S. Abbas,  M. Benchohra, and Juan J. Nieto,  Global attractivity of solutions of nonlinear fractional order Riemann- Liouville-Volterra-Stieltjes partial integral equations,Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (2012) No 81, 1-15. 
  23. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and F. Mostefai, Weak solutions for hyperbolic partial fractional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Computers and Mathematics with Applications Vol. 64 (2012), 3101-3107. 
  24. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for Darboux problem for fractional order implicit impulsive partial hyperbolic differential equations,Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica. Vol. 51 No 2 (2012), 5-18.  
  25. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, and A. Cabada, Partial neutral functional integro-differential equations of fractional order with delay, Boundary Value Problems Volume 2012 (2012), 128, 15 pp doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2012-128. 
  26. S. Abbas,  M. Benchohra, and G. N’Guérékata,  Asymptotic stability in nonlinear delay differential equations of fractional order,Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications Vol. 2012,  No. 7, 85-96. 
  27. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Fractional order partial hyperbolic differential equations involving Caputo's derivative, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series  Mathematica Vol. 57 No. 4 (2012), 469-479. 
  28. M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Impulsive differential inclusions involving evolution operators in separable Banach spaces, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 64 No. 7 (2012), 991-1018. 
  29. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Global stability results for nonlinear partial fractional order Riemann-Liouville Volterra-Stieltjes functional integral equations, Mathematical Science Research Journal Vol. 16 No. 4 (2012), 82-92. 
  30. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, A global uniqueness result for fractional order implicit differential equations,Commentationes Mathematica Universitatis Carolinae Vol.53 No. 4 (2012), 605-614. 
  31. M. Benchohra, and M. Ziane, Impulsive semilinear evolution differential inclusions with nonconvex right hand side, Libertas Mathematica Vol. 32 No. 2 (2012), 193-206.

  • Papers in 2011:  
  1. M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Second order boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions, Boundary Value Problems. Volume 2011, Article ID 260309, 9 pages. 
  2. R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and S. Pinelas, Boundary value problem for differential equations involving Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative on the half line,  Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol. 18 (2011), 235-244. 
  3. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Existence theory for impulsive partial hyperbolic differential equations of fractional order at variable times, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 12 (2011), 3-16. 
  4. M. Benchohra, and B. Hedia, Impulsive differential equations with integral boundary conditions and infinite delay, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Vol. 3 N°1 (2011), 59-75. 
  5. N. Abada, R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Impulsive   semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions with multivalued jumps, Applications of Mathematics Vol. 56 N° 2 (2011), 227-250. 
  6. M. Benchohra and S. Litimein, A global uniqueness result for abstract integral equations of Volterra type in Banach spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 18 N°1 (2011), 37-44. 
  7. M. Benchohra, S. Djebali and S. Hamani, Boundary value problem for differential inclusions with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, Nonlinear Oscillations Vol. 14 N°1 (2011), 7-20. 
  8. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and J.J. Nieto, Global uniqueness results for fractional order partial hyperbolic functional differential equations, Advances in Difference Equations.Volume 2011, Article ID 379876, 25 pages. 
  9. M. Benchohra, and N. Hamidi, Fractional order differential inclusions via the topological transversality method, Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Vol. 13 No 2 (2011), 139-149. 
  10. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and L. Gorniewicz, Fractional order impulsive partial hyperbolic differential inclusions with variable times, Discussiones Mathematicae   Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization Vol. 31 N° 1 (2011), 91-114. 
  11. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and F. Ouaar, Bounded solutions to an initial value problem for fractional differential equations on the half-line,  Panamerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 21 No. 2 (2011), 35-44. 
  12. M. Benchohra and D. Seba, Impulsive partial hyperbolic fractional order differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications, Vol. 1 No. 4 (2011), 1-12. 
  13. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra and K. Ezzinbi, Existence results for some partial functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 24 (2011), 1810-1816
  14. M. Benchohra and S. Litimein, Fractional integro-differential equations with state-dependent delay on an unbounded domain, African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics Vol. 12, N°2 (2011), 13-25
  15. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Fractional order partial hyperbolic functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Vol. 3 N°4 (2011),  459-490. 
  16. M. Benchohra, J. Graef and F. Mostefai, Weak solutions for boundary-value problems with nonlinear fractional differential inclusions, Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory Vol. 11 N° 3 (2011), 227-237. 
  17. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for partial hyperbolic differential equations with Caputo’s fractional derivative, Libertas Mathematica Vol. 31 (2011), 103-110. 
  18. M. Benchohra and D. Seba, Bounded solutions for boundary value problems for fractional differential equations on a Banach space and the half line, Journal of Nonlinear Studies Vol. 18 N°4 (2011), 549-558. 
  19. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Darboux problem for implicit impulsive hyperbolic partial fractional order differential equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2011 (2011), No. 150, pp. 1-14. 
  20. R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and S. Pinelas, Upper and lower solutions method for impulsive differential equations involving the Caputo fractional derivative, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics Vol. 53 (2011),  1-12.

  • Papers in 2010:  
  1. S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Global uniqueness results for partial functional and neutral functional evolution equations with infinite delay,   Differential and Integral Equations Vol. 23  N°1&2 (2010),  31-50. 
  2. N. Abada, R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche,  Extrapolation method and some nondensely defined impulsive semilinear  neutral partial functional differential inclusions, Differential and Integral Equations Vol. 23 N° 3&4 (2010),  279-302. 
  3. A. Arara, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and J.J. Nieto, Fractional order differential equations on an unbounded domain, Nonlinear Analysis TMA Vol. 72 (2010), 580-586. 
  4. M. Belmekki and M. Benchohra, Existence results for fractional order semilinear functional differential equations with nondense domain, Nonlinear Analysis TMA Vol. 72 (2010), 925-932. 
  5. M. Benchohra and F. Berhoun, Impulsive fractional differential equations with variable times, Computers and Mathematics with Applications Vol. 59 (2010), 1245-1252. 
  6. S. Hamani, M. Benchohra and J. R. Graef,  Existence results for  boundary value problems with nonlinear fractional differential inclusions and integral conditions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2010 (2010), No. 20,  pp. 1-16. 
  7. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra, K. Ezzinbi and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for semilinear perturbed functional differential equations of neutral type  with infinite delay, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics Vol 7 N° 1 (2010), 1-18. 
  8. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and J.J. Nieto, The method of upper and lower solutions for second order differential inclusions with integral boundary conditions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics Vol. 40 No 1 (2010), 13-26. 
  9. R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and S. Hamani, A survey on existence results for boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equations and inclusions, Acta Applicandae  Mathematicae Vol. 109 N°3 (2010), 973-1033. 
  10. M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and J.J. Nieto,  Topological transversality method and fractional order differential equations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 17 N°2 (2010), 25-34
  11. M. Benchohra, and M. A. Darwish, On Quadratic Integral Equations of Urysohn Type in Frechet Spaces, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Commenianae Vol. 79 N°1 (2010), 105-110. 
  12. R. P. Agarwal, M. Belmekki and M. Benchohra,Existence results for semilinear functional differential inclusions involving Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol. 17 N°3. (2010), 347-361
  13. M. Benchohra and F. Berhoun, Impulsive fractional differential equations with state dependent delay, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 14 N°2 (2010), 213-224. 
  14. S. Abbas  and  M. Benchohra, The method of upper and lower solutions  for partial hyperbolic fractional order differential inclusions with impulses,  Discussiones Mathematicae   Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization Vol. 30 N°1 (2010), 141-161
  15. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and L. Gorniewicz, Existence theory for impulsive partial hyperbolic functional differential equations involving the Caputo fractional derivative,  Scientiae Mathematica Japonicae, online e- 2010, 271-282. 
  16. N. Abada, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Existence results for  semilinear differential evolution equations with impulses and delay, CUBO, , A Mathematical Journal Vol. 12 N° 2 (2010), 1-17. 
  17. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for impulsive partial hyperbolic differential equations with fractional order, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Vol. 4 (2010), 604-613. 
  18. M. Benchohra and N. Hamidi, Fractional order differential inclusions on the half line, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 5 (2010), 99-111. 
  19. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, J.J Nieto and B.A. Slimani, Existence of solutions to differential inclusions with fractional order and impulses, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 2010 (2010), No. 80, pp. 1-18. 
  20. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, and M. Benchohra, Impulsive discontinuous hyperbolic partial differential equations of fractional order on Banach algebras,   Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 2010 (2010), No. 91, pp. 1-17. 
  21. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Darboux problem for partial functional differential equations with infinite delay and Caputo’s fractional derivative, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications. Vol. 5 No. 1 (2010), 1-19. 
  22. M. Benchohra, J.J Nieto and D. Seba, Measure of noncompactness and hyperbolic partial fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal. Vol. 20 No. 3 (2010), 27-37. 
  23. N. Abada, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Nonlinear impulsive   partial functional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay and multivalued jumps, Nonlinear Analysis Hybrid Systems Vol. 4 No. 4 (2010), 791-803. 
  24. S. Abbas, R.P. Agarwal, and M. Benchohra, Darboux problem for impulsive partial hyperbolic equations of fractional order with variable times and infinite delay,   Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Vol. 4 No. 4 (2010), 818-829. 
  25. M. Benchohra, B.A. Slimani, Partial neutral functional hyperbolic differential equations with Caputo fractional derivative, Nonlinear Analysis Forum  Vol. 15 (2010), 143-151. 
  26. M. Benchohra, J. R. Graef and F. Mostefai, Weak solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations on reflexive Banach spaces, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (2010), No. 54, pp. 1-10. 
  27. S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Existence results for semilinear neutral functional differential equations involving evolution operators in Fréchet spaces, Georgian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 17 No. 3 (2010), 423-436. 
  28. M. Benchohra and F. Ouaar, Existence results for nonlinear fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol. 2 No. 4 (2010), 7-15
  29. M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata and D. Seba, Measure of noncompactness and nondensely defined semilinear functional differential equations with fractional order, Cubo, A Mathematical Journal Vol. 12 No. 3 (2010), 33-46. 
  30. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Impulsive partial hyperbolic differential inclusions of fractional order, Demonstratio Mathematica Vol 43 No 4 (2010), 775-797. 
  31. S. Baghli, M. Benchohra, and J.J. Nieto, Global uniqueness results for partial functional and neutral functional evolutions equations with state- dependent delay, Journal of Advanced Research in Differential Equations Vol. 2 Issue 3 (2010), 35-52. 
  32. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Impulsive partial hyperbolic functional differential equations of fractional order with state-dependent delay, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol. 13 No. 3 (2010), 225-244. 
  33. M. Benchohra, and D. Seba,  Measure of noncompactness and partial functional differential equations involving Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 19 (2010), 527-536. 
  34. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and J.J. Nieto, Existence results for impulsive boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 19 (2010), 585-598. 
  35. S. Abbas, and M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for the Darboux problem for fractional order partial differential inclusions, International Journal of Modern Mathematics Vol. 5 N° 3 (2010), 237-338. 
  36. M. Benchohra, and B. Hedia, Existence results for first order impulsive functional differential equations with state dependent delay, Acta Univ. Palackianae Olomucensis Vol. 49 No. 2 (2010), 5-19. 
  37. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Fractional order hyperbolic differential inclusions with infinite delay, Proceedings of the A. Ramadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 154 (2010), 1-19. 
  38. R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Some Results for Integral Inclusions of Volterra Type in Banach Spaces, Advances in Difference Equations. Volume 2010, Article ID 798067, 38 pages doi:10.1155/2010/798067. 
  39. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and L. Gorniewicz, Fractional order impulsive partial hyperbolic functional differential equations with variable times and state-dependent delay, Mathematical Bulletin  Vol. 5 (2010), 317-350.

  • Papers in 2009:  
  1. M. Benchohra and B.A. Slimani, Impulsive fractional differential equations, Electronic Journal of  Differential Equations Vol. 2009 (2009), N°10, 1-11. 
  2. E. Ait Dads, M. Benchohra and S. Hamani, Impulsive fractional differential inclusions involving the Caputo fractional derivative, Fractional Calculus and Applied Mathematics Vol. 12  No. 1 (2009), 15-38. 
  3. S. Baghli, M. Benchohra and K. Ezzinbi, Controllability results for semilinear functional and neutral functional evolution equations with infinite delay, Surveys in Mathematics and Applications Vol. 4 (2009), 15-39. 
  4. M. Benchohra and N. Hamidi Existence results for fractional order integral equations of mixed type in Fréchet spaces, Communications in Applied Analysis., Vol. 13 No. 1 (2009), 111-120. 
  5. N. Abada, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Existence and controllability results for  nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions, Journal of Differential Equations Vol. 246 (2009), 3834-3863. 
  6. R. P. Agarwal, M. Belmekki and M. Benchohra,A survey on semilinear differential equations and inclusions involving Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, Advances in Difference Equations. Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 981728, 47 pages. 
  7. M. Benchohra S. Hamani and S.K. Ntouyas, Boundary value problems for differential equations with fractional order and nonlocal conditions, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA Vol. 71 (2009), 2391-2396. 
  8. M. Benchohra and M.A. Darwish, On Unique Solvability of Quadratic Integral Equations with Linear Modification of the Argument, Miskolc Mathematical Notes vol. 10 (2009),  3-10. 
  9. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Partial hyperbolic differential equations with finite delay involving the Caputo fractional derivative, Communications in Mathematical Analysis Vol. 7 N°2 (2009), 62-72. 
  10. M. Benchohra, A. Cabada and D. Seba,  An existence result for non-linear fractional differential equations on Banach spaces, Boundary Value Problems. vol. 2009, Article ID 628916, 11 pages, 2009.  
  11. R.P. Agarwal, S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Controllability for semilinear functional and neutral functional evolution equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces, Applied  Mathematics and Optimisation Vol. 60 (2009), 253-274. 
  12. M. Benchohra and S. Hamani, The method of upper and lower solutions and impulsive fractional differential inclusions, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Vol. 3 (2009), 433-440. 
  13. S. Abbas and M. Benchohra, Darboux problem for perturbed partial differential equations of fractional order with finite delay, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Vol. 3 (2009), 597-604. 
  14. R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and S. Hamani, Boundary value problems for fractional differential equations, Georgian Mathematical Journal. Vol 16  (2009), 401-411. 
  15. M. Benchohra and D. Seba, Impulsive fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Spec. Ed. I, 2009 No. 8, 1-14. 
  16. R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, and D. Seba, On the application of Measure of noncompactness to the existence of solutions for fractional differential equations, Results in Mathematics Vol. 55  N° 3-4 (2009), 221-230. 
  17. M. Benchohra, and S. Hamani,  Boundary value problems for differential equations with fractional order and nonlinear integral conditions,   Commentationes Mathematicae  Vol. 49 N° 2 (2009), 147-159. 
  18. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and Y. Zhou, Darboux problem for fractional order neural functional partial hyperbolic differential equations,  International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations Vol. 2 N°3-4 (2009), 301- 312.

  1. Papers in 2008:  
  1. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for fractional order functional differential equations with infinite delay, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 338, No. 2 (2008), 1340-1350.  
  2. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab,  Existence results for fractional functional differential inclusions with infinite delay and application to control theory, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis Vol. 11 N° 1 (2008),  35-56. 
  3. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for densely defined semilinear functional differential inclusions, Journal of Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 1 N°1 (2008),  25-44. 
  4. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and S.K. Ntouyas, Boundary value problems for differential equations with fractional order, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications Vol. 3 (2008), 1-12. 
  5. N. Abada, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Existence and controllability     results for nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential equations, Differential and Integral Equations. Vol. 21 No. 5&6 (2008), 513-540. 
  6. R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and S. Hamani,  Boundary value problems for differential Inclusions with fractional order, Advances Studies in Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 16 N° 2 (2008),  181-196. 
  7. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Multiple positive solutions for nonlinear boundary value problems with integral boundary conditions, Archivum Mathematicum.Vol. 44 N 1 (2008), 1-7. 
  8. S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Perturbed functional and neutral functional evolutions equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Vol 2008 (2008) No 69, 1-19. 
  9. M. Belmekki and M. Benchohra,  Existence results for fractional order semilinear functional differential equations, Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute Vol. 146 (2008), 9-20. 
  10. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and J. Henderson,  Nonlinear impulsive differential inclusions with integral boundary conditions, Communications in Mathematical Analysis  Vol. 5 N° 2 (2008), 60-75. 
  11. M. Benchohra and M.A. Darwish, Existence and uniqueness theorem for fuzzy integral equation of fractional order, Communications in Applied Analysis  Vol. 12 N° 1 (2008),  13-22. 
  12. N. Abada, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Existence and controllability results for impulsive partial functional differential inclusions, Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 69 (2008), 2892-2909. 
  13. S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Uniqueness results for partial functional differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Fixed Point Theory. Vol. 9  No. 2 (2008),  395-406. 
  14. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra and L. Gorniewicz, Semilinear functional differential equations with fractional order and infinite delay, Fixed Point Theory Vol. 9 No. 2 (2008),  423-439. 
  15. R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and B.A. Slimani, Existence results for differential equations with fractional order and impulses, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 44 (2008), 1-21. 
  16. M. Benchohra, J. R. Graef and S. Hamani,  Existence results for  boundary value problems with nonlinear fractional differential equations, Applicable Analysis Vol.87 No 7  (2008),  851-863. 
  17. S. Baghli and M. Benchohra, Multivalued evolution equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces,  Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (2008), N° 38, 1-24. 
  18. N. Abada, R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra and H. Hammouche, Existence results for nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential equations with state-dependent delay, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics Vol. 1 N° 4 (2008), 449-468. 
  19. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and D. Seba,  Measure of noncompactness and fractional differential equations in Banach spaces, Communications in Applied Analysis. Vol. 12 N°4 (2008),  419-428. 
  20. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for semilinear perturbed functional differential inclusions with infinite delay, Nonlinear Analysis Forum Vol  13 No. 2 (2008),  135-156. 
  21. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab,  Multiple solutions for impulsive higher order functional differential equations, Miskolc Mathematical Notes Vol. 9 N° 2 (2008), 73-80
  22. M. Benchohra and S. Hamani,  Boundary value problems for differential Inclusions with fractional order, Discussiones Mathematicae    Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization. Vol.28  (2008), 147-164. 
  23. M. Benchohra and S. Hamani,  Nonlinear boundary value problems for differential Inclusions with Caputo fractional derivative, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 32 N°1 (2008), 115-130. 
  24. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra, K. Ezzinbi and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for some partial functional differential equations with infinite delay, Nonlinear Studies Vol. 15 N° 4 (2008), 373-385.                                                                
  25. A. Arara and M. Benchohra, Existence results for the Darboux problem for hyperbolic differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematical Bulletin Vol. 5 (2008), 225-241.

  • Papers in 2007:  
  1. Belarbi and M. Benchohra, Existence theory for perturbed impulsive hyperbolic differential inclusions with variable times, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 327 No. 2 (2007), 1116-1129. 
  2. M. Benchohra and L. Gorniewicz, Existence results of nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions with infinite delay, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 2 No.1 (2007), 11-51. 
  3. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Positive solutions for systems of nonlinear eigenvalue problems,  Global Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007), 19-28. 
  4. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, and J. Henderson, Functional differential inclusions with integral boundary conditions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 15 (2007), 1-13.  
  5. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Differentiation and differences for solutions of nonlocal boundary value problems for second order difference equations, International Journal of Difference Equations, Vol. 2 No. 1 (2007), 37-47. 
  6. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and S. Djebali, Existence theory for perturbed boundary value problems for first order multivalued differential systems, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal  Vol. 17 No. 4 (2007), 89-100. 
  7. M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi and S.K. Ntouyas, An asymptotic stable result of solutions for an integral equation of mixed type on time scales, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis  Vol. 14 No. 4 (2007), 35-46. 
  8. B.C. Dhage, M. Benchohra and J. Henderson, Boundary value problems for second order nonconvex differential inclusions, Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 14 (2007), 365-380. 
  9. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani, and J. Henderson, Oscillatory and nonoscillatory of solutions for first order impulsive dynamic inclusions on time scales, Archivum Mathematicum Vol  43 No. 4 (2007), 237-250. 
  10. N. Abada, M. Benchohra, H. Hammouche, A. Ouahab, Controllability of impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions with finite delay in Fréchet spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions Control and Optimization. Vol. 27 No. 2  (2007),  329-347. 
  11. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Eigenvalue problems for systems of nonlinear boundary value problems on time scales, Advances in Difference Equations. Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 31640, 10 pages. 
  12. M. Benchohra, J.J. Nieto and A. Ouahab, Fuzzy solutions for impulsive differential equations, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 11. N°3-4 (2007), 379-394. 
  13. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and S.K. Ntouyas, Perturbed functional differential equations with fractional order, Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 11 N° 3-4 (2007), 429-440. 
  14. Belarbi, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Nonconvex valued impulsive functional differential inclusions with variable times, Nonlinear Oscillations Vol. 10 No. 4 (2007), 443-463. 
  15. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for nondensely defined semilinear perturbed functional differential inclusions, Journal of Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Differential Equations. Vol. 1 N°2 (2007), 261-279. 
  16. M. Benchohra, F. Berhoun and J. Henderson,  Multiple positive solutions  for impulsive boundary value problem with integral boundary conditions, Mathematical Science Research Journal  Vol. 11 N°12 (2007), 614-626.

  • Papers in 2006:  
  1. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Boundary value problems for impulsive functional differential equations with infinite delay, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2006), 23-35. 
  2. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Impulsive functional dynamic equations on time scales, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol 15 (2006), 43-52. 
  3. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for dynamic equations on time scales with integral boundary conditions, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 13 No. 1 (2006), 59-70. 
  4. A.Belarbi and M. Benchohra, Existence theory for perturbed hyperbolic differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2006 (2006), No. 23, pp. 1-11. 
  5. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Second order impulsive functional dynamic equations on time scales, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 16 No. 3 (2006), 99-110.  
  6. M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, On nondensely defined semilinear stochastic functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis,  Vol. 2006 (2006), 1-13. 
  7. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Upper and lower solutions method for differential inclusions with integral boundary conditions, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Vol. 2006 (2006), 1-10. 
  8. A. Arara and M. Benchohra, Fuzzy solutions for boundary value problems with integral boundary conditions, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol. LXXV No. 1 (2006), 119-126.  
  9. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Controllability results for nondensely defined semilinear functional differential equations, Journal of Applied Analysis (ZAA), Vol. 25 (2006), 311-325. 
  10. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and B.C. Dhage, Existence theory for perturbed boundary value problems with integral boundary conditions, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 13 No. 2 (2006), 215-228. 
  11. M. Benchohra, S. Djebali and T. Moussaoui, Boundary value problems for doubly perturbed first order ordinary differential systems, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 11 (2006), 1-10.  
  12. M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Extremal solutions of second order impulsive dynamic equations on time scales, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 324 No. 1 (2006), 425-434.  
  13. M. Benchohra, S. Hamani and J. Henderson, Oscillation and nonoscillation for impulsive dynamic equations on certain time scales, Advances in Difference Equations, Vol. 2006 (2006), Art. 60860, 12 pages. 
  14. M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Upper and lower solutions method for discrete inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7 No. 3 Art. 105 (2006). 
  15. M. Belmekki, M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for semilinear perturbed functional differential equations with nondensely defined operators, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Vol. 2006, Art. ID 43696, 13 pp. 
  16. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Uniqueness results for fractional functional differential equations with infinite delay in Fréchet spaces, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 85 (2006), 1459-1470. 
  17. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On nonresonance second order impulsive functional differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Vol. 14 N° 1 (2006), 21-32. 
  18. A.Arara, M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz and A. Ouahab, Controllability results for semilinear functional differential inclusions with unbounded delay, Mathematical Bulletin, Vol. 3 (2006), 157-181. 
  19. A.Arara, B.D. Karande, M. Benchohra and B.C. Dhage, Existence results for a class of hyperbolic integro-differential equations in Banach algebras, Journal of Natural and Physical Sciences Vol. 20 No 1-2 (2006), 51-63.

  • Papers in 2005:  
  1. A. Belarbi and  M. Benchohra, Existence results for nonlinear boundary value problems with integral boundary conditions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2005 (2005) No. 6, 10 pp. 
  2. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Controllability results for functional semilinear differential inclusions in Fréchet spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, T. M. A., Vol. 61 No. 3 (2005), 405-423. 
  3. M. Benchohra, J. J. Nieto and A. Ouahabi, Existence results for functional integral inclusions of Volterra type, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 14 No. 1 (2005), 57-70. 
  4. A.Belarbi M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Extremal solutions for impulsive dynamic equations on time scales, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 12 No. 2 (2005), 85-95. 
  5. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, A note on multiple solutions for impulsive functional differential equations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 12 No. 3 (2005), 61-70. 
  6. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Existence results for impulsive dynamic inclusions on time scales, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 12 (2005), 1-22. 
  7. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Multiple solutions for impulsive semilinear functional and neutral functional differential equations in Hilbert space, Journal of Inequalities and Applications,  Vol. 2005 No. 2 (2005), 189-205. 
  8. M. Benchohra, J.R. Graef, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Upper and lower solutions method for impulsive differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions and variable times, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Vol. 12 No. 3&4 (2005), 383-396. 
  9. M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, A note on a nonlinear m-point boundary value problem for p-laplacien differential inclusions, Mathematical Notes, Miskolc, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2005), 19-26. 
  10. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On first order differential inclusions with periodic boundary conditions, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 8 No. 1 (2005), 71-78. 
  11. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Oscillatory and nonoscillatory solutions for first order impulsive differential inclusions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 46 No. 3 (2005), 541-553. 
  12. M. Benchohra, J.R. Graef and A. Ouahab, Oscillatory and nonoscillatory solutions of multivalued differential inclusions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 49 No. 9&10 (2005), 1347-1354. 
  13. A.Belarbi, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, On a second order boundary value problem for impulsive dynamic inclusions on time scales, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 14 (2005), 353-364. 
  14. R.P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, D. O’Regan and A. Ouahab, Fuzzy solutions for multipoint boundary value problems, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 35 (2005), 1-14. 
  15. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Impulsive functional differential equations with variable times and infinite delay, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Science,  Vol. 2 No. 1 (2005), 130-148. 
  16. A.Arara, M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Fuzzy solutions for hyperbolic partial differential equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2 No.2 (2005), 168-182.

  • Papers in 2004:  
  1. A.Arara and M. Benchohra, Fuzzy solutions for neutral functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2004), 35-42. 
  2. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, On first order impulsive dynamic equations on time scales, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol 10 No. 6 (2004), 541-548.  
  3. M. Benchohra, E. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for semilinear integrodifferential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 34 No. 3 (2004), 833-848.  
  4. M. Benchohra, E. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Multivalued semilinear neutral functional differential equations with nonconvex valued right hand side, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 6 (2004), 525-541. 
  5. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab,  Upper and lower solutions method for first order impulsive differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 47 (2004), 1069-1078. 
  6. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Impulsive functional differential equations with variable times, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 47 (2004), 1659-1665. 
  7. M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for second order boundary value problem of impulsive dynamic equations on time scales, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 296 (2004), 65-73. 
  8. M. Benchohra, J. R. Graef and A. Ouahabi, Nonresonance impulsive functional differential inclusions with variable times, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 47 (2004), 1725-1737. 
  9. A.Arara, M. Benchohra, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Existence results for boundary value problem of fourth order differential inclusions with nonconvex valued right hand side, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), Vol. 40 No. 3 (2004), 219-227. 
  10. R. P. Agarwal, M. Benchohra, D. O’Regan and A. Ouahab, Second order  impulsive dynamic equations on time scales, Functional  Differential Equations Vol. 11 No 3&4  (2004),  223-234. 
  11. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Controllability results for impulsive functional differential inclusions, Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol. 45 (2004), 211-228. 
  12. M. Benchohra, E. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Second order semilinear neutral functional integrodifferential inclusions, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society, Vol. 49 (2004), 15-32. 

  • Papers in 2003:  
  1. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence and controllability results for multivalued semilinear functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Soochow Journal of Mathematics Vol. 29 No. 2 (2003), 157-170. 
  2. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Initial and boundary value problems for second order Impulsive functional differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 3 (2003), 1-10. 
  3. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Multiple solutions for nonresonance impulsive functional differential equations, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2003 (2003), No. 52, 1-10. 
  4. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for multivalued semilinear functional differential equations, Extracta Mathematicae, Vol. 18 No. 1 (2003), 1-12. 
  5. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Initial and boundary value problems for nonconvex valued multivalued functional differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Vol.  16 No. 3 (2003), 1-10. 
  6. M. Benchohra, E. P. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for functional and neutral functional integrodifferential inclusions with lower semicontinuous right hand side, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 281 No. 2 (2003), 525-538. 
  7. M. Benchohra, E.P. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability results for semilinear evolution inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 118 No. 3 (2003), 493-513. 
  8. M. Benchohra, A. Boucherif and A. Ouahabi, On nonresonance impulsive functional differential inclusions with nonconvex valued right hand side, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 282  No. 1 (2003), 85-94. 
  9. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Impulsive neutral functional differential inclusions with variable times, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2003 (2003), 67, 1-12. 
  10. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for impulsive semilinear damped differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 11 (2003), 1-19. 
  11. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On first order impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), Vol. 39 (2003), 129-139. 
  12. M. Benchohra,   E.P.  Gatsori, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability results for evolution inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Journal for Analysis and its Applications (ZAA), Vol. 22 (2003), 411-431. 
  13. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of solutions on noncompact intervals for semilinear integrodifferential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol. 7 (2003), 241-252. 
  14. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, and S.K. Ntouyas, Impulsive functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol. 7 (2003), 253-264. 
  15. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On first order impulsive semilinear differential inclusions, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol. 7 (2003), 349-358. 
  16. M. Benchohra, E. P. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for functional semilinear damped integrodifferential equations, Libertas Mathematica, Vol. 23 (2003), 69-80. 
  17. M. Benchohra, E.P. Gatsori, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Nondensely defined evolution impulsive differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  Vol. 286 (1) (2003), 307-325. 
  18. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Impulsive neutral functional differential equations with variable times, Nonlinear Analysis, T. M. A. Vol. 55 (6) (2003), 679-693. 
  19. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for impulsive hyperbolic differential inclusions, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 82 No. 11 (2003), 1085-1097. 
  20. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, The method of lower and upper solutions to the Darboux for partial differential inclusions, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 4 No. 2 (2003), 81-88. 
  21. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Higher order impulsive functional differential equations with variable times, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 12 No. 3 (2003), 383-392. 
  22. M. Benchohra, E.P. Gatsori, L. Gorniewicz, and S.K. Ntouyas,  Nondensely defined evolution  impulsive  differential equations, Fixed Point Theory,  Vol. 4 No. 2 (2003), 185-204. 
  23. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Impulsive hyperbolic differential inclusions with variable times, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 22 (2003), 319-329. 
  24. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability of neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 14 (2003), 95-112. 
  25. A.Arara, M. Benchohra and A. Ouahab, Some uniqueness results on controllability for functional semilinear differential equations in Fréchet spaces, Nonlinear Oscillations Vol. 6 No. 3 (2003), 287-303.

  • Papers in 2002:  
  1. M. Benchohra, E.P. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas,  Nonlocal quasilinear damped differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. (2002) (2002) No. 07, 1-14. 
  2. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, The method of upper and lower solutions for an integral inclusion of Volterra type, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 9 No. 1 (2002), 67-74. 
  3. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, The lower and upper solutions method for first order differential inclusions with nonlinear boundary conditions, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2002), Article 14. 
  4. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for impulsives functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematical Science Research Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2002), 47-59. 
  5. M. Benchohra, On second order integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.  14 No. 1 (2002), 28-37. 
  6. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Multivalued impulsive neutral functional differential equations in Banach spaces, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 33 No. 1 (2002), 77-88. 
  7. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On first order impulsive differential inclusions with periodic boundary conditions, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Vol. 9 No. 3 (2002), 417-428. 
  8. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability for functional differential and integrodifferential differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 113 No. 3 (2002), 449-472. 
  9. M. Benchohra, Upper and lower solutions method for second order differential inclusions, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2002), 13-20. 
  10. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability results for multivalued semilinear functional differential equations, Mathematical Science research Journal, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2002), 65-77. 
  11. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence and controllability results for nonlinear differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions in Banach spaces, Journal of Applied Analysis, Vol. 8 (2002), 31-46. 
  12. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On second order impulsive functional differential equations in Banach spaces, Journal of Applied mathematics and Stochastic Analysis   Vol. 15 No. 1 (2002), 47-55. 
  13. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Upper and lower solutions method for  semilinear functional differential inclusions, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal   Vol. 12 No. 2 (2002), 55-63. 
  14. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On second order boundary value problemsfor differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal   Vol. 12 No. 2 (2002), 47-53. 
  15. M. Benchohra and A. Ouahabi, Some uniqueness results for impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential equations, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 9 No. 3 (2002), 423-430. 
  16. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential equations in Banach spaces, Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 25 (2002), 105-120. 
  17. M. Benchohra, A note on an hyperbolic differential inclusion in Banach spaces, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, Vol. 9 (2002), 101-107. 
  18. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence theorem for hyperbolic       functional differential inclusions, Commentationes Mathematicae, Vol. 42       (2002), 1-16. 
  19. M. Benchohra, J.R. Graef, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Nonresonance impulsive higher order functional nonconvex valued differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 13 (2002), 1-13. 
  20. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Existence results for impulsive functional and neutral functional differential inclusions with lower semicontinuous right hand side, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2002), 72-91. 
  21. A.Boucherif and M. Benchohra, Initial value problems for first order impulsive integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1 No. 4 (2002), 445-457. 
  22. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Existence results for lower semicontinuous  differential  inclusions, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1 No. 4 (2002), 431-443. 
  23. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2002), 213-228. 
  24. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results on the semiinfinite interval for first and second order integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Vol. 41 (2002), 13-19. 
  25. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Semilinear impulsive neutral functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 81 No. 4 (2002), 951-963. 
  26. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability of neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Nonlinear Analysis Forum, Vol. 7 No. 1 (2002), 39-54. 
  27. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence theorem for an hyperbolic differential inclusion in Banach spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions, Vol. 22 No. 1 (2002), 5-16. 
  28. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Boundary value problems for nonconvex valued differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Libertas Mathematica Vol. XXII (2002), 33-40. 
  29. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On a boundary value problem for second order impulsive functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Differential Equations TMA Vol. 7 No. 1&2 (2002), 65-75. 
  30. M. Benchohra, Existence theorems for first order impulsive differential equations with periodic boundary conditions, Journal of Nonlinear Differential Equations TMA, Vol. 7 No. 1&2 (2002), 120-131. 
  31. M. Benchohra, An existence theorem on unbounded intervals for a class of second order functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol 9 No. 4 (2002), 541-550. 
  32. M. Benchohra, An existence theorem for second order functional differential inclusions, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Vol 9 No. 4 (2002), 559-606. 
  33. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Impulsive neutral functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters Vol. 15 No. 8 (2002), 917-924. 
  34. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On nonresonance impulsive functional nonconvex valued differential inclusions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 43 No. 4 (2002), 595-604. 
  35. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions of second order initial value problems for delay integrodifferential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Mathematica Bohemica, Vol. 127 No. 4 (2002), 613-622. 
  36. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, On an hyperbolic functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Fasciculi Mathematici Vol. 33 (2002), 27-35. 
  37. M. Benchohra, and S.K. Ntouyas, Multi-point boundary value problems for lower semicontinous differential inclusions, Mathematical Notes, Vol. 3 No. 2 (2002), 91-99. 
  38. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas,  Global existence of solutions for semilinear evolution integral and integrodifferential equations with nonlocal conditions, Engineering Simulation, Vol. 24 No. 2 (2002), 11-20. 
  39. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllabilty results for multivalued semilinear differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 11 No.  3 (2002), 403-414. 
  40. M. Benchohra, E.P. Gatsori and S.K. Ntouyas, Boundary controllability of semilinear differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Panamerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 12 No.  4 (2002), 83-96. 
  41. M. Benchohra, M. Guedda and M. Kirane, Impulsive semilinear functional differential equations, Nonlinear Oscillations, Vol. 5 No. 3 (2002), 287-296. 
  42. M. Benchohra,   S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Existence results for impulsive semilinear damped differential equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 No. 1 (2002), 77-93. 
  43. M. Benchohra, E. P. Gatsori,  S.K. Ntouyas and Y.G. Sficas,  Nonlocal Cauchy problems for semilinear impulsive differential inclusions, International Journal of Differential Equations  and Applications,  Vol. 6 (2002), 423-448. 
  44. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahabi, Impulsive functional semilinear differential inclusions with lower semicontinuous right hand side, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 (2002), 171-196. 
  45. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results on the semiinfinite interval for first and second order integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Vol. 41 (2002), 13-19. 
  46. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Nonresonance higher order boundary value problems for impulsive functional differential inclusions, Radovi Matematicki, Vol. 11 No. 2 (2002-2003), 205-214. 
  47. M. Benchohra,  and S.K. Ntouyas, A method of upper and lower solutions for functional differential inclusions, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Vol. 15  (2002), 283-290.

  • Papers in 2001:  
  1. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for first order impulsive semilinear evolution inclusions, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 1 (2001), 1-12. 
  2. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On nonresonnce impulsive functional differential inclusions with periodic boundary conditions, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5 No. 4 (2001), 377-391. 
  3. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon for functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 8 No. 1 (2001), 63-78. 
  4. M. Benchohra, An existence theorem on unbounded intervals for second order functional integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 8 No. 2 (2001), 57-66. 
  5. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability for infinite time horizon for second order differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 109 No. 1 (2001), 85-98. 
  6. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability of nonlinear differential equations in Banach space with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 110 No. 2 (2001), 315-324. 
  7. M. Benchohra and P. Eloe, On nonresonance impulsive functional differential equations with periodic boundary conditions, Applied Mathematics E-Notes, Vol.1 (2001), 65-72. 
  8. M. Benchohra, An existence result for second order functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-line, Vol. 5 No. 6 (2001), 21-30.  
  9. M. Benchohra, Initial value problems for first order impulsive differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Nonlinear Oscillations, Vol. 4 No. 2 (2001), 146-154. 
  10. M. Benchohra, On second order differential inclusions in Banach spaces, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 30 (2001), 5-13. 
  11. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for functional differential inclusions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2001 (2001), No. 41, pp. 1-8. 
  12. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Nonlocal Cauchy problems for neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 258 No. 2 (2001), 573-590. 
  13. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability of nonlinear integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Fasciculi Mathematici, Vol. 31 (2001), 5-22. 
  14. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for functional  differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 32 No. 5 (2001), 665-675. 
  15. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence result for first order impulsive functional differential equations in Banach spaces, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 42 No. 10-11 (2001), 1303-1310. 
  16. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, A note on a three-point boundary value problem for second order differential inclusions, Mathematical Notes (Miskolc), Vol. 2 No. 1 (2001), 39-47. 
  17. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On second order multivalued Impulsive differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Abstract and Applied Analysis Vol. 6 No. 6 (2001), 369-380. 
  18.  M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for impulsive multivalued semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Vol. 263 (2001), 763-780.
  19. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Bollettino delle Unione Mathematica Italiana (B.U.M.I.), 8 (4) (2001), No. 3, 767-782. 
  20. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results on semiinfinite intervals for functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 34 No. 4 (2001), 795-807. 
  21. M. Benchohra, A. Boucherif and J.J. Nieto, On initial value problems for a class of first order impulsive diffferential inclusions, Discussiones Mathematica Differential Inclusions, Vol. 21  No. 2 (2001), 159-171. 
  22. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon for first and second order functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions, Vol. 21  No. 2 (2001), 261-282. 
  23. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions on semi-infinite interval to second order differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Commentationes Mathematicae, Vol. 41 (2001), 41-49. 
  24. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon for second order semilinear delay integrodifferential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Libertas Mathematica. Vol. 21 (2001), 61-73. 
  25. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for second order functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 32 No. 4 (2001), 315-325. 
  26. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence theorems for a class of first order impulsive differential inclusions, Acta Mathematicae Universitatis Comenianea, Vol. 70 No. 2 (2001), 197-205. 
  27. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On positive solutions for a boundary value problem for second order impulsive functional differential equations, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, Vol. 11 No. 4 (2001), 61-69. 
  28. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On second order boundary value problems for functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Applicationes Mathematicae, Vol. 28 No. 3 (2001), 293-300. 
  29. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Multipoint boundary value problems for second order differential inclusions, Mathematicki Vesnik, Vol. 53 No. 1&2 (2001), 51-58. 
  30. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon of neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society, Vol. 45 (2001), 105-124. 
  31. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, On a periodic boundary value problem for first order impulsive differential inclusions, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 10 No. 4 (2001), 477-488. 
  32. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Nonlocal Cauchy problems on semiinfinite intervals for neutral differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 51 No. 5 (2001), 529-545.  
  33. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On a three and four point boundary value problems for second order differential inclusions, Mathematical Notes (Miskolc), Vol. 2 No. 2 (2001), 93-101. 
  34. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild of second order initial value problems for differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Atti. Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, Vol. 49 No. 2 (2001), 351-361. 
  35. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Hyperbolic functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Functiones et Approximatio, Vol. 29 (2001), 29-39. 
  36. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of solutions for second order semilinear functional integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii « Al. Cuza » Iasi Vol. 47 (2001), 153-164. 
  37. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results on noncompact intervals for  functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Proceeding of the A. Razmadza Mathematical Institute, Vol. 126 (2001), 11-24. 
  38. M. Benchohra, J. Henderson and S.K. Ntouyas, Impulsive neutral functional differential equations in Banach spaces, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 80 No. 3 (2001), 353-365. 
  39. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence result for semilinear functional integrodifferential inclusions of Sobolev type, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, Vol. XXXIX (2) (2001), 3-14. 
  40. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon of nonlinear differential equations in Banach spaces with nonlinear conditions, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii « Al. Cuza » Iasi Vol. 47 (2001), 277-286. 
  41. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On first order impulsive functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Bulletin Mathématiques de la  Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, Vol. 44 (2001), 165-174.

  • Papers in 2000:  
  1. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, Existence of solutions on infinite intervals to second order initial value problems for a class of differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Dynamic Systems and Applications. Vol. 9 No. 3 (2000), 425-434. 
  2. M .Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions for certain delay semilinear evolution inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 9 No. 3 (2000), 405-412. 
  3. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, On first order multivalued initial and periodic value problems, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 9 No. 4 (2000), 559-568.  
  4. M. Benchohra, Existence of solutions for differential inclusions in Banach space,    Communications in Applied Analysis Vol. 4 No. 1 (2000), 71-77. 
  5. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, An existence result for an initial value problem for an integrodifferential equation, Communications On Applied Nonlinear Analysis, Vol. 7 No. 1 (2000), 91-99. 
  6. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence result for semilinear delay integrodifferential inclusions of Sobolev type with nonlocal conditions, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis Vol. 7 No. 3 (2000), 21-30.  
  7. M. Benchohra, A note on integral inclusions in Banach spaces, Mathematica Pannonica Vol.11 No.1 (2000), 77-85. 
  8. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions on noncompact intervals to second order initial value problems for a class of differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions,  Computers and Mathematics with Applications  Vol. 39 (2000), 11-18. 
  9. M. Benchohra and S.K.Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions on semiinfinite intervals for first order differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae Vol. 41 (2000), 485-491.   
  10. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of mild solutions of semilinear evolution inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Georgian Mathematical Journal Vol. 7 No. 2 (2000), 221 - 230. 
  11. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results on infinite intervals for neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 7 No. 4 (2000), 609-625. 
  12. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for neutral functional differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2000 (2000), No. 20, pp. 1-15. 
  13. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence result on noncompact intervals for second order functional differential inclusions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 248 No.2 (2000), 520-531. 
  14. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence of solutions of nonlinear differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,  Vol. 252  No.1 (2000), 477-483.  
  15. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability of second order differential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 107 No. 3 (2000), 559-571.  
  16. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, On second order differential inclusions with periodic boundary conditions, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, Vol. 69 No. 2 (2000), 173-181. 
  17. M. Benchohra and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence results for second order functional differential inclusions, Results in Mathematics Vol. 38 (2000), 9-17. 
  18. M. Benchohra  and S.K. Ntouyas, An existence result on noncompact intervals to first order integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces, Libertas Mathematica, Vol. 20 (2000), 71-78. 
  19. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, An existence result for first order initial value problems for impulsive differential inclusions, Archivum Mathematicum (Brno), Vol. 36 No. 3 (2000), 159-169. 
  20. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, Initial value problems for for impulsive differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8 No. 1 (2000), 51-66. 
  21. M. Benchohra  and S.K. Ntouyas, Controllability on infinite time horizon for first order differential and integrodifferential inclusions in Banach spaces with nonlocal conditions, Annales de Mathématiques de l’ Université de Sidi Bel Abbes, Vol. 7 (2000), 47-61.

  • Papers in 1999:  
  1. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif and J.J. Nieto, On initial value problem for first order ordinary differential equations, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal Vol. 9 No.3 (1999), 79-86. 
  2. M .Benchohra and A. Boucherif, On first order impulsive differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Dynamic Systems and Applications Vol. 8 No.1 (1999), 119-126. 
  3. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif and J.J. Nieto, An existence result on unbounded real interval for an integral inclusion of Volterra type, Libertas Mathematica,, Vol. 19 (1999), 119-126.  
  4. M. Benchohra and A. Boucherif, An existence result on an unbounded real interval to first order initial value problems for differential inclusions in Banach spaces,   International Journal of Nonlinear Differential Equations, Theory Method & Applications, Vol. 5 No. &2 (1999), 34-41. 
  5. M. Benchohra, Existence of mild solutions on infinite intervals to first order initial value problems for a class of differential inclusions in Banach spaces, Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions Vol. 19 (1999), 111-121. 
  6. M. Benchohra, On initial value problem for an integrodifferential equation, Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii « Al. Cuza » Iasi Vol. 45 (1999), 297-304. 

  1. M. Benchohra, E. P. Gatsori, L. Gorniewicz and S.K. Ntouyas, Existence results for impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions with nonlocal conditions, Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, dedicated to V. Lakshmikantham for his 80th birthday, Vol. 1 edited by R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 
  2. M. Benchohra, L. Gorniewicz, S.K. Ntouyas and A. Ouahab, Existence results for nondensely defined impulsive semilinear functional differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, dedicated to V. Lakshmikantham for his 80th birthday, Vol. 1 edited by R.P. Agarwal and D. O’Regan, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 
  3. S. Abbas, M. Benchohra and J. Trujillo, Fractional order impulsive hyperbolic implicit differential equations with state-dependent delay, in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Analytic Methods of Analysis and Differential Equations (AMADE-2011; Minsk, Belarus) [Dedicated to the Memory of Anatoly A. Kilbas] (Segei V. Rogosin, Editor), Publ. Center of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus, 2012, pp. 207-228 [ISBN 978-985-476-993-6].  
  4. M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata and N. Rezoug, S-Asymptotically ω-Periodic mild solutions for second order evolution equations, Evolutionary Processes and Applications, Editor, G. N’Guérékata, Series: Advances in Evolution  Equations,  Nova Sciance Publishers, 2020. 
  5. B. Alqahtani, S. Abbas, M. Benchohra, G. N’Guérékata: Impulsive Implicit Caputo Fractional q-Difference Equations in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Banach Spaces: Studies in Evolution Equations and Related Topics (Editors, G. N’Guérékata and B. Toni), Springer, 2021. 


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